Chap 1:: goodbye

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I know weird name for the first chapter but whateverrr


I slowly open my eyes and yawn. "School" I say aloud and frown. I hop out of bed and run to my closet, I grab a pastel pink crop top with a black skirt that goes to my knees. I walk to my bathroom and sit down my clothes, I slowly slip of my undergarments and step into the shower. The hot water hits my body and I see the steam rise around me. I grab the shampoo and conditioner and scrub my scalp lightly, I love early morning showers. I wash my body and turn the water off. I step out of the shower and slip on some new undergarments. I chuckled lightly as I looked in the mirror, my thick blonde hair had darkened due to the water. My bright blue eyes were dull, as usual, I hadn't seen a sparkle in them since I found out about the affair, and today she was leaving. When will he learn, there are always CONSEQUENCES. I felt the smile on my lips fade and I focus on getting dressed. I grab my clothes and put them on, I reach for a hair brush and begin to brush my hair. I finish and slowly braid my hair, the silky texture of my hair intertwining with my fingers. I give myself a goofy grin and add my finishing touches, a gold necklace with my zodiac symbol , a Leo, a pair of black cat ears, yes I am in high school but no one else wears them and I get a sense of uniqueness from them. Finally I slide my thick rimmed glasses onto my face. "Breakfast time" I grin as I walk out of my room grabbing my bag on the way out. "Are you kidding!!! AFTER ALL THIS YOU WANT ME TO STAY!!!" My mom screams at my dad. "YES I DO IM SORRY I CHEATED ON YOU JUST STAY!!!" My dad was getting angry and there was no sincerity in his voice, his side girl had left him when she found out about me. I hear my mom let out a sigh "I'm leaving and there is no stopping me, tell lillith I love her and I will come get her when I file for divorce in a month or so." I walk down the rest of the stairs solemnly. "Okay mom....I love you...see you in a month..." I walk to the kitchen grab a breakfast shake and walk out the door. I put on my mask, no not literally, I smile and I laugh I show the quirky girl everyone knows, I keep those other emotions bottled up, no I'm not popular, no I don't have many friends. In fact I only have three. I sip my shake and begin walking slightly faster. I feel a slight vibration from the pocket and pull out my phone, it had a light blue case with a cute little squishy on the back, a white seal to be exact. Then suddenly I'm on the ground my shake spilled and my phone still clutched in my hand. I look up and see him, the guy who had been ignoring me since a month ago, my used to be guy best friend, Jax Dallon.

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