Chapter 6-I couldn't Imagine

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Simon notices something's up with Raphael... he tries to make it better

The group breaks for the day... Magnus and Alec spend some time together

Alec gets a tip that just might be the key



There must be something...some way to find Valentine. He can't just be out free.

Simon continued meticulously pouring over the files and information, hoping something would jump out at him. There had to be something...

Valentine couldn't be out there around inno-

He startles faintly when he feels a hand on his shoulder,

"Amore, it is just me...are you okay?"

Raphael tilts his head, concerned. Simon nods somewhat shakily.


Raphael shook his head,

"You are lying." he said softly

"No, I just, hey!-"

He snapped as Raphael reaches over, closing the file Simon was going over.

"I was working, we need t-"

"I know, amore...I get it, I really do. But you have to stay objective, y-you cannot let this case, let Valentine..." he paused, sighing. Reaching over, gently taking his hand, tugging slightly,

"Come on, you need a break... just for a few minutes."

Simon shook his head,

"I'm fine, we really need to find this guy, and timing is critical, we really can't put anything off-"

"Simon, please? I really need a break... and I need to talk to you about something... please?" he finished softly giving Simon a pleading, almost desperate look, squeezing his hand a bit tighter.

Simon froze; really looking at him, for what he was realizing was the first time since they'd heard the story, since the case started...

Oh... how did he miss that?

Raph looked his usual calm, cool collected self; he'd been flippant and snarky, perfectly confident, arguing with Magnus, scaring Dax, wowing the Agents...

This entire time, he never faltered...

But when he looked closer, really looked; at his eyes, his rigidity, at the so clearly when you really knew him fake smile.


He was terrified.

Simon nodded quickly, standing up, intertwining their fingers. Raphael gripped back tightly... much tighter than usual, he realized.

Just like he'd been doing since they'd arrived... Since before they even heard the story.

Simon felt his stomach drop.

He nods faintly,

"Yeah, okay." He says softly,

He glances around the room; everyone else is busy, scattered about, lost in their own part of the work.


Keeping his hold on Raphael's hand, he leads him out of the room and down the hall to the far end, opening the utility room door, pulling Raphael in, shutting it behind them.

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