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I stared at his beautiful eyes and didn't even realize that Jungkook pulled me in one more time. He pulled away just a bit before placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Sleep well. I'll wake up early just to make you breakfast." He smiled.

I was in awe as he pulled away and walked to his tent.

Before entering our tents, we waved to each other one last time before passing out to sleep.

The morning came and I was woken up by the touch of a cold hand touching my bare skin.

"Wake up, Anna,"

I opened my eyes to see a blurry figure.

I brought my two knuckles up to my eyes and rubbed them a few times to soon see a clear bunny.

"Hello," I said in my raspy morning voice.

He chuckled.

"Time to get up. The others will wake up soon, but I made you breakfast and I thought it would be nice to just sit together and eat in private before everyone gets up and the cameras start rolling," He stated as he lends me a hand.

I nodded as I grabbed his while using my other hand to rub my eyes.

"Can I go clean myself up a bit first?" I asked him.

"Of course. Just don't take too long. The food will get cold," He smiled before walking off.

I entered my tent and grabbed my essentials before going to the nearest bathroom.

I finished brushing my teeth and hair, and also makeup as I walked out to where Jungkook was waiting for me.

I sat down next to him as he handed me a plate of bacon, eggs, toast, and kimchi on the side.

"It's not your typical authentic breakfast meal but-" I cut Jungkook's nonsense off.

"It's fineeeee. I think it's delicious thank you," I smiled at him as I watch him look down and smile too.

What a cutie.

Shit. Anna stop. You really need to stop thinking these boys are cute. You have a boyfriend.

After both of us finished eating, the rest had awoken.

"Good Morning!~~" Calla sang as she got up out of her tent.

You could hear Kim's groan as she couldn't handle how cheerful and loud Calla was.

After everyone got ready, it was time to meet up with the other seven.

"Omg how was it!?" June ran to me and pulled me in a hug.

"It wasn't too bad. I got a couple mosquito bites, and looking for wood is sooooo much fun, so overall it was amazing," I smiled.

She rolled her eyes. I laughed as I asked her the same thing.

"It was fun. Namjoon was being really sweet to everyone," She said looking at the ground. I could see her cheeks reddening the more she thought about him.

"Ooooooooh. June has a cr-"

"Shut your mouth!" She whispered yelled as she quickly covered my mouth.

I smirked.

"Honestly. You can get any man," I laughed.

We had just finished up a vlive run episode as I was looking like a huge mess.

We had to try and make our way over a small pond using the things around us and stuff and I completey went face first in to the water the moment I tried getting on the platform. What a klutz I am.

Obviously our team lost. But we had lots of fun.

Right now we are at the campfire, all washed up and clean after the crazy day.

"Let's talk about our feelings. What's on our minds," Jimin suggested.

We all agreed since we have been bored sitting at the fire, speaking about the stupidest and random things.

It was my turn and I let out a big sigh.

"I've been thinking a lot lately. I'm worried. I'm worried about how Jackson's and I's relationship will turn out to be. We've been so distant lately. I've been thinking about the dance unit thing lately. I want to do it. But I really wanted to do it with him. Too bad we were told not to. But it just makes me stressed out for some reason," I said as I fiddled with my fingers.

Kim looked at me and placed her arm around me to give me a shoulder squeeze, letting her arm sit there, comforting me.

"I totally understand you, Anna. You see, my ex girlfriend in highschool cheated on me and I thought everything was real. Everything was perfect. Until little hints started popping up. It hit me like a wrecking ball. I wasn't expecting it. But I now I am happy. I somehow overcame that heartbreak and it turned into a lesson. It changed me and made me who I am today. So I'm glad it happened," Jin said as he explained his heartbreaking story.

"You think that's happening right now? You think he is cheating on me?" My voice shook as I spoke. My eyes were now tearing up.

"Hyung!" Jimin shouted at the eldest.

Jin placed his hands up in defense.

Jimin sat on the other side of me as he whispered sweet little things into my ears.

"He's not. I can tell he's thinking about you as much as you are thinking about him. Stay up until the rest of them are all asleep. Meet me at the berry bush you thought was beautiful," He whispered into my right ear.

I nodded as I wiped away a tear.

Night came and here I am at the berry bush that I actually thought was hideous.

"Hey" a voice popped out of no where.

"Omg Jimin you scared me!" I shouted out as I turned around seeing the pretty boy.

Wow his eyes are sparkling in the moonlight.

He chuckled.

"Let's walk around for a bit and when you're tired, let's head back," He said as he began walking.

I agreed, and we began our journey.

This story is such a flop. Doubt anyone is going to continue reading it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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