My Mission

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Ok, ok I know that most of you are waiting for me to update my Trollhunters story, but I wanted to try this for a while. Don't worry! A new chapter will be up soon, but for now, I would like to give this a go. So, my first poem was inspired by my mission trip to Central America. I went to Costa Rica and Nicaragua when I was 15 and it changed my life forever. I hope you enjoy this passage. 

What was I hoping to find

When I left for that ten-day journey?

At the time it was unclear,

But now I know what was waiting.

Surrounded by rolling hills

And red-roofed houses,

In a town almost barren of wealth,

Stood their biggest hope.

The nerves I felt were instantly

Evaporated as I took in the scenery.

A once small church, now grown big

From kindness and prosperity.

People who have suffered loss,

Coming together under one roof

To pray and praise for the good

That they had in their lives.

In the middle of misery and poverty

One can find humility and compassion.

It can be all a person has in a life

Filled with struggle and judgment.

How I wished to bring it all back

With me, but it was an impossible feat.

How could one bring back a whole

Foreign town who had suffered, yet prospered. 

I hope you like it. Like with my Trollhunters story I will post when I can. And as said previously, I'm not sure how many I'm going to post on here. Anyway, tell me what you think. Constructive criticism only. Thank you guys. Be Blessed.

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