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I was walking towards the dance club venue to talk to Samuel, as he said. It was kind of weird that he sounded so kind and all when he told me to meet up with him in their club venue. What was even weirder was that he wanted to make up with me.

Once, I arrived at the dance practice room, I opened the door slowly to see if there were still people. I heard Samuel talking to someone, not wanting to disturb them, I waited by the door.

"Do you love me?" Samuel asked him.


My heart stopped. It was Jihoon.

I immediately closed the door and started walking out of the school to go home.

So, is he gonna be two-timing now? Or he didn't even love me in the first place?

Either way, I didn't like it. I needed some time alone, and alone in that matter means at least I'm away from Jihoon.


"Do you love me?"

"Yes," he said. "I did."

"You did?" Samuel let out a bitter laugh. "Guess I lost now, did I?"

"Was there even a competition in the first place?"

"Yes. Me and Guanlin fighting over you."

"No. You weren't even a contestant."


why did u leave school without me

did u have to go somewhere important

linnnnn where are u

i went home alone u bitch

can i still go to your house? or you're busy???
seen at 6:46 pm

well okay we're playing this game then

fuck you too
seen at 6:51 pm


can i call u

just call me no need to ask


"Oh, shit, you used my full first name. What happened?"

"Have you talked to Lin today?"

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