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Name : Stonestar

Gender : Female

Personality : Wise and lovible

Sexuality : Gay now

Appearance :

Age : 79 moons

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Age : 79 moons

Rank : Leader

Mate : Unknown

Kits : Spiritfeather

Family : They have all died and she has chosen to forget them for now

Back story : Had a romance with a Loner that left her pregnant and him walking out of her life slowly but surely when she had her kits two died she was distraught though not as much as the father he had run away in a mess a couple days later. After that Stonestar said she would never love another tom and turned to the gender she new she had always loved. She watched Spirit feather grow into the cat she had been and was horrified that she would ruin her life with a Loner or Rogue tom luckily she saw her kits affection for Satinleaf and made no move to stop it. Not long after they were declared mates and Stonestar received the rank of leader.

Other : She still misses the tom with all her heart and him passing through her life hurts her everyday

Theme song : Plastic Promises because of all of Spiritfeather's father's plastic promises of always being by her side

Quote : I will lead this clan through the stars

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