12 1 4

( a/n: this chapter is from Hobi's perspective. )

Chapter 1

" I guess i've always blocked people out when it gets to be too much. I don't know why I still come to therapy. I've told the same story to dozens of different psychologists and I always get the same results. Ones I often disagree with so I just stop going. "

" I see. Let's go over your childhood. Can you tell me about that? "

"Yeah. My dad left when I was still young, maybe ten. He took my sister with him too and that was the last I saw or heard from either of them. After that my mom was in a rough spot and started drinking. She always blamed me for her issues and I didn't want to argue so I let it happen. I figured she'd be okay eventually, but she ended up passing away a few years back."

"Sounds tough. How are you handling your mothers passing?"

"Well. I guess. If she hadn't I would have probably stayed in my home-town and never would have moved to Seoul with my boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend? Can you tell me about him?"

"Yoongi? Sure. We met when we we're sophomores in highschool. We'd often skip class together and just go to the park and talk about life. He was about the only person I could open up to, but now I can't even do that."

"I see. Can you tell me why you think you always want to make people happy?"

You sighed with relief after you left the rather cold office building. I guess I should just quit finding different therapists and just stop going altogether. You silently discussed with yourself. After therapy Yoongi always tries to cheer you up by renting a moving and having a little date night, but honestly the last thing you wanted to do right now was go back to your apartment with him.

Interrupting your thoughts was a buzzing in your pocket. It was Yoongi calling, right on time too. You hesitated to answer but didn't want him to worry.

"Hoseok? How was it this time?"

"Fine. I'm not-"

"Going back, I know. Listen, I know we always have a little date night after these but Jimin's feeling a bit down so I told him he could join us. When are you going to be home?"

Jimin. You disliked even hearing his name. He was way to clingy with your boyfriend. Plus he always just pissed you off. There was just something about him was off putting and you didn't even want to be in the same town as him, let alone the same apartment building.

"Oh actually I think i'm gonna go take a walk for a bit. I'll be home later Yoongi. Bye."

Just like that you hung up and figured he got the idea that you we're a bit mad. Being completely distracted you didn't even notice how cold it was and you really wanted to be inside somewhere.

After a short walk down the road you found a little alley way lit up by some string lights. Fuck it I guess. You let your curiosity get the best of you and you decided to see where it led, just hoping to kill some time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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