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I woke up the next day feeling like shit. I checked the time and it was going on three in the afternoon. I groaned and dragged myself out of bed, heading towards the hallway to look for Tiffany.

I didn't she her or Chanel in the room or Ja in the guest room so I continued my search downstairs. I seen Tiff in the kitchen with her back towards me. I couldn't help but to stare. She had on shorts and a t-shirt and her curly hair was in a bun. Even from behind she was beautiful.

She turned around and smiled at me. "Good afternoon sleepy head. I guess you'll be needing this." She handed me a toothbrush and two pills. "You can use the downstairs bathroom if you would like." I took the stuff from her and thanked her.

When I came back to the kitchen there was a plate of food on the counter and some orange juice. "You really know how to treat a nigga."' I said as I sat down next to her with the food. "Anything for you." She said, but I could tell that she wanted to keep that to herself.

I finished the food and laid back on the couch. "Where's Ja and a Chanel at?" I asked after a moment of silence. "Well, something came up that Chanel had to take care of and Ja asked her to take him home." I nodded my head and went over to Tiffany and laid my head on her lap.

"What are you doing?" She asked laughing. "Exactly what it looks like, I'm laying down." She mumbled something to herself and I looked up at her. She looked back down at me and our eyes locked.

"So now that I got your attention, lemme ask you something." I watched her expression change and she looked away. "And what might that be?"

"You feeling a nigga? And don't try to get your way out of this cause we're not moving until I get a straight answer." I was now sitting up facing her, giving her all my attention.

"Truthfully, I am. But..." She paused. "I don't want to have these feelings." I looked at her confused, but I didn't interrupt. I gave her the signal to keep going. "You know how you are Chris, and regardless if whether or not you feel the same way, if we were to get together I know it wouldn't last and don't try to tell me otherwise."

"We can worry about that a little later though, just know I'm feeling the same way. I'm willing to take it slow though, if you are."


Instantly after he said that, I leaned in and kissed him. I don't know what it was, but it was like my body was longing for the feeling of his lips against mine.

He pulled me on top of him. I felt on his body as his hands rested on my ass. His tongue explored the inside of my mouth as mine did the same with his. In that moment I wanted more than just his tongue inside of me and I knew he wanted the same, but I couldn't take it to that level with him. Not yet.

I pulled away from the kiss and watched his eyes look my body up and down. "So I'll take that as a yes then." I sat on top him thinking of actually taking things further with the person I call my bestfriend. He said he's willing to take it slow and it would be nice to actually have someone to call mine.

I nodded my head indicating yes and he leaned up pecking me on my lips. "I just wanna make sure you're ready for this." I started. "I know how you are and if me confessing how I felt about you made you feel like you had to do this, then it doesn't have to happen."

"You telling me that only made me realize my feelings for you. I'm willing to try this out and in the end if it doesn't work, our friendship will never end."

I smiled just thinking of the possibility of us working out. "So what are we then?"

"We don't gotta be quick to give ourselves a title just yet, we got time for that. Just know you're mine and I'm yours and there's no one else but you."

Feelings ( A Chris Brown Story )Where stories live. Discover now