Skype call

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camerondallas is calling....

jenniepark picked up....

Hey! Aaron is out of town so he couldn't be with us sadly enough. Anyways how are you doing?

Well you know, I guess I could be better. But I've told Jungkook and the guys about it

Oh, how did they take it?

Jungkook screamed that he would kill jack and Namjoon screamed back that Jack is in America and it isn't worth it. After that I told them how it all happened and I somehow ended up having sort of a panic attack over it.

I'm so sorry Jennie. It isn't fair that you have to go-

It's okay. It happened it could've been worse. He actually could've raped me and I should be happy for how it actually went.

I still don't understand how you can be so positive over this. It's kind of shocking.

Well I figured that some people have it worse than me.

Have I told you how much I admire you?

Yes you've. Multiple times

Good. However we went to the court and talked to some people. They said that you can sue him for sexual abuse. He can't get any jail time since he didn't rape you, but they need you to be here and tell them your story. Since me and Aaron can't do that.

Okay, that's good. I mean he can't get away with this after all.

Exactly. Have you talked with JYP about it? I mean you've to tell him why you've to get back to America after all.

Yes I've he wasn't happy about it. But he told me that if we needed any help he would be there. And he said that whenever I've to go back I just have to tell him and then book a flight.

Amazing. Well they didn't say any date, but I guess the sooner the better.

Yeah true. I will check flights and text you?

Sounds good. Then I'll see you soon.

Yes you'll. I talk to you soon.
And thanks again Cameron

What are friends for! Bye Jennie

Bye Cameron

Skype call ended....

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