Chapter 2

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Nina and I rushed towards the screaming. Other students and teachers were there but the teachers where trying to push the students away from the scene. I was able to push through and enter. There on top of a table was Alex. I cried out as I saw Alex there with his throat cut open. My heart twist and turn in pain. I can't believe this. Who would do this?

Murder. Someone murdered him. He has cuts and like three bruises on his body. Next to him was a girl. Maybe older than me or maybe the same age as Alex. I couldn't recognize her but for some odd reason deep in my heart I knew who she is. I can see Nina relax at the sight of Alex's dead body. I whipped the tears away and I sniffled as nobody was letting me get to his body.

They started checking each side of the body and taking pictures. Numbers being placed on the floor as I just stared at them. All the hairs in my body rose and all I can think is how did it happen? I imagined so many scenarios but none came to the exact situation. Alex's throat is slashed open and it has three large gashes on his throat. 

A negative vibe runs down my spine as the sky darkens and thunder begins to be heard. Roaring hard and loud to the way the day is going and it is matching in a way with the anger and confusion that I feel. Teachers rushed all students inside to let the autopsy do their job. Nina looks at me worried but she looks a little bit glad. Why? I looked at her confused and she looks down sighing out with annoyance. But I can still see her relieved exterior. 

The teacher took us to the classroom and I crossed my arms. What happened? How did that happen? Is there a rabbit animal around? Is there a killer on the lose inside the school or something? My anger rose more and more. Lightning erupted louder than expected but I didn't care but Nina looks at me terrified. There is still barely students here and I can't understand how this school is so deadly. 

Basically once a week people are dying and nobody understands it. The guard. Like twenty nine students. Two Teachers. My parents are already locating a new school for me and they will find one even faster know that two more students died. I just can't believe this but most importantly it was Alex who died and on top of some unknown girl.

"What happened? Why did you feel relieved that Alex is dead?" I asked her angrily arms completely crossed 

"Look you know I love you like a sister... Right?" she tells me as she stands up gently 

"Right" I repeated confused 

"Well... I caught him cheating on you more than once with different girls" my heart tore to those words and my hands dropped 

"What?" I asked confused as I felt like crying again for a second time 

"Yeah... I did not dare to tell you because you were really in love... I even tried to convince him to stop he would say the same thing... I will stop I promise... But he never did" she says sadly 

I looked down angrily how can this be?


"Wanna have sex baby?" he asked me making me look at him confused 

Why would he want that? So I asked him confused "I thought we were gonna wait until we get married... We are still young"

"I know but would I know if you like it or not?" he asked me as he holds my hand

I felt confused and I say "That's why we decided to let the days go by and wait till we are of age... Being that you are older than me and you would get in trouble if someone caught us" 

He looks side to side as he sighs out "Alright..." 

I don't understand why but he looks disappointed "What's wrong love?"

"Nothing!" he says angrily then leaves 


I look at Nina as I remember when he got mad because I did not give him any. Tears streamed down my eyes as I felt betrayed by him. How can this happen? Why? Did he get what he deserved? 'Yes he did... He is not to hurt someone so pure and loving' A male's voice echoed around us and Nina looks around panicked. So did I. 

Who is that? What is he? Where is he? I yelled out "Come out... Do not hide in the shadows" 

"If I show myself I fear that everyone here is to die..." he says is so coldly 

"Why? Why murder? It is understandable but nobody deserves to die because of cheating" I yelled as I looked around the classroom 

The classroom darkened as his next choice of words made Nina hold me protectively "Because the one he cheated is the one I love the most as well as I am not human"

"Not human... Your a demon?" I say confused and amazed at the same time 

"Indeed the moment I come forth from this shadow my minions will murder all humans in this school and I will take the one I love with me" he says with a gentle growl

"If so who is she?" I asked as I tried getting a glimpse of the shadow "Why not take her with no kills?"

"My minions will not allow any evidence of my arrival here..." he spoke calmly as the echoing of his voice is gone 

Something in me felt more confused I held Nina to me as I felt the most amazing sensation on my back. What? What is this feeling? Why does he not come forth? I want to see his face so badly the person who killed Alex and the poor girl. He must be the same one who kept killing students. Why did he kill so many students and teachers? Many of those students were so nerdy and so happy. To see them dead and mangled is something that can actually ache in my heart seeing. 

But seeing all that blood. Seeing all that gore. All their guts. All their blood spilled everywhere. It was really fascinating I wanted to touch it so badly. Feel their insides. I even wanted to be present for when they were screaming in pain. Screaming in fear. Begging for their lives. But why do I feel this way. I have never felt this way before until the first student was killed. Is there something wrong with me?

"To answer your first question... The one I love" a foot appeared in front of us from the shadows as his body started coming forth "Is... You"

The moment he said that his whole body came forth from the shadows. He is very hot and handsome. My eyes wide as I realized the word one more time. Me? What did I do to him for him to fall in love with me? Am barely 17 years old. Man what is wrong with my life right know. He looks down to my stomach and his eyes glowed red. 

"Human is not to touch what is mine..." He growls out 

I looked at Nina's hand above my stomach so I asked a bit afraid "What do you mean? Nina is my best friend slash sister and I would hug her how many times I want!"

"Yes... But I will protect my lover with child" he says proudly 

"Sorry but am a virgin and I am not pregnant" I snapped at him as I take a step forward 

He started smelling the air as he took slow steps towards me and spoke again "Yes... Indeed but for some odd reason you are pregnant and is not human"

I felt my body run cold at the realization of it and I covered my stomach and yelled out "You raped me didn't you?!"

He glares at me and yells out as thunder started going crazy "I do no such thing!"

"Then how did I get pregnant!" I yelled back a bit louder 

"The fuck should I know..." he yells out angrily 

I looked at my stomach and I just tried remembering all that I could. How did it happen? When did it happen?

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