Oolong's Origin - Chapter 1

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Tea's Origin (Alternate Story Ending) – By Jasken 


1. (N) A person who is obsessed with their own power

2. (Adj) Exhibiting megalomania

Chapter 1:

She opened her eyes. "Where... where am I?" she thought to herself. She felt that she was lying on something soft. The flowers, or more specific, the buttercups had saved her from the fall. As she was getting up, she tried to remember how she ended up like this...

(3 hours earlier...)

Her name is Tea. She came from a normal family, like everyone does. Although she enjoys exploring, her parents won't let her. They don't want her to be lost like the other 6 children before her on Mt. Ebott. Despite what her parents said, she still went out every night. And after a few time, her parents found out. They grounded her from going outside which she was really mad. And that night, she escaped. She ran up to Mt. Ebott. She kept running until she saw a cave. Curiosity began to build up, so she went inside. It was very dark and she didn't bring a flashlight with her. Suddenly, she slipped, and fell down. She felt like she kept falling forever. Then, her eyes slowly closed...

Back to the present, she was very perplexed. She began to stand up and had a look around. It's seem like an abandoned ruin, but it's not broken down. Then she saw light. A fairly weak one, but enough to let her know the way to it. She walked towards the faint light. In the middle of the two pillars is a way in. She walked for 5 minutes. Then, she saw some petals underneath her feet. She felt like someone was watching her, so she turned around. No one was there. The light was getting brighter as she kept walking towards it. When she reached the light, she was surprised. Inside was like very magnificent castle. Everything was colored in magenta. On top of the building she saw some buttercup petals falling down. In front are 2 stairs lead to the same gate. She then noticed the shining star in front of her. It's about the size of her hands. As she came closer, she could feel the warmth of it. She heard something whispering in her ears: "The devil has returned..." She didn't really understand what it meant, but she knew that something was wrong here. She began to enter the gate. Inside was a puzzle, right next to it was a small note. She picked it up. The note said: "Press the buttons that are marked in red. There are 4 of them around the room." She did what the note said, and the gate opened. She entered the next room. After a few rooms filled with puzzles and traps, she finally made to a lovely cottage. It's not a very large one, but the door was somehow higher than average, but she managed to open it and went inside. Just like what she expected, everything around the house is very cozy and welcoming. She looked around. One of the rooms she entered has a small bed that fitted her. She jumped right onto the bed because after a while of wandering around the ruin, she was very exhausted. She quickly fell asleep. In her dream, she saw someone, holding a knife, walking towards a young woman... "Please, my child. Don't do this to me. Please don't..." The knife cut through the innocent woman's skin. She dropped to the ground, saying her last words: "Why...? I had cared for you so much...? Why do you hate me...?" the dream slowly faded away...

Tea fell out of her bed. "Whoa, what was that?" she said to herself. "That was a very weird dream... And who was that woman anyway? She shouldn't be killed..." As she was thinking about the dream last night, she heard a painful scream somewhere down the basement. She rushed out of the room immediately. She found the way to get downstairs to the basement. She kept running until she saw a monster, not ugly, but a beautiful goat-like creature was on her knees. She was badly cut. Blood dripping to the floor. Tea quickly came to her and ask: "Ma'am, are...are you okay? I can call for help!! Just hang in there...I'll...I'll find someone." The monster smiled painfully and said: "There is no need for that...my child... I couldn't stop her... but maybe...you can. Take this piece of my shattered soul... and protect everyone... Can you... do that... for me...?" Tea's tears began to drop. "Y...Yes..." she said. The monster kindly said: "Very well... thank you...my child...and one more thing... when you... see her... tell her my name... It's... Toriel..." As Toriel finished her sentence, she faded away into dust. Tea looked as the dust began to scatter. A part of Toriel's broken soul was floating in front of her. Tea reached to hand to grab it. Suddenly, the particle sprinted quickly toward her chess. It merged with Tea's soul. Her head began to hurt. She could see a part of Toriel's memories. She saw how that mysterious girl violently killed her. Tea stopped sobbing, and walked to the gate. She opened it and went outside...

- End of Chapter 1

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