Tea's Origin - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

She had already left the Ruin. Everything was snowy outside. White snow slowly fell from the blue sky above her. She kept walking, until she reached a small old wooden bridge. As she approached the bridge, she heard a walking sound behind her. She turned to see who that was. Again, there was no one. Steps after steps, finally, she saw a small town. Just like the ruin, no one was there. She asked herself: "Where is everyone? This is very strange..." she wondered that if that girl – the killer was the one who did all of this. She found a clue on the snowy ground. It was a piece of red fabric. She could feel the present of something dark...very dark... surrounded her. Something came up to her. It was a little monster - a frog-like creature. She looked as it came towards her and said: "Froggit Froggit Froggit... Froggit Froggit!! (I'm Froggit, you should leave this area...It's really dangerous!!)" She didn't clearly understand what Froggit just said, so she ignored him and kept walking. On her way, she saw another star, just the same as the one at the Ruin. She approached the star. The whisper once again echoing in her ears: "You have to hurry...the demon is on its away..." So after that, she quickly ran toward the way out.

Continued her way, she was stopped by some puzzle. It's some electrical shocked maze. Although she can't see the electricity wires, she knew about it because of the note on the ground. The words were quite hard to read, but the style of it was quite childish. There were also the clues to the other puzzles, which is about 7 of them. She began to work on the puzzles. It took her 35 minutes to finish all of them. At one point, she saw a small tent. Her body started to feel fatigued so without thinking, she went right into the tent. She slowly hit the sack... everything was very dark... she couldn't see anything...she couldn't even move her body. It felt like something held her back. She heard the voice right next to her ears..." You won't be able to save anyone... Trusted me..." Then she began to fell. She tried to hold on to something. She tried and tried... but there was nothing could help. She sprang out of her bed. There were some tears on her eyes, so she wiped it. She got a chill on her bone. She started walking when she heard a laugh behind her back. It's a very high voice, so it's must be a girl. She quickly turned around. She saw someone, standing behind her. Her whole body was covered with black, only her mouth was glowing red. She slowly coming toward Tea. Tea was scared, but somehow, she couldn't move. She couldn't control her body. Maybe it's because she was scared, or someone was controlling her. She tried to move. Nothing happened. She retried. Nothing happened, either. The girl was getting near. She tried one last time, then breaking free from her stand still position. Tea quickly escaped from that girl. After running a while, Tea noticed that the girl disappeared. She continued her journey.

Snow began to fall harder than before. The temperature quickly dropped down. But it couldn't stop Tea's determination. She continued. Snow fell even harder and harder! She was pushed back by the wind. She thought it was the end... She woke up. "I... I still alive!!" She stood up, continued walking through the journey. Minutes later, she saw someone, tall, wearing a scarf. She shouted out to catch his attention. And suddenly, his head fell off! She was shocked. She couldn't even stand on her legs. But she tried to calm down. She rushed towards that person. "It's... a skeleton?" the body of the skeleton was shattering into dust. The skull was lying on the snow." Nyeh! Another human!" the skull began to talk - which made Tea frighten the living daylight out of her. "Oh sorry! I didn't mean to scared you like that. So... I can't hold myself any much longer... can you do me favor?" Like before, she agreed. "That human... she is a maniac... I tried to stop her from continued... she was too strong for my strength... But... maybe you can! Take this part of my soul...and... protect Sans for... m..." As he finished his sentence, he shattered into dust, just the same as Toriel did. Tea was sitting on the snow, feeling hopeless. "I have already seen 2 people lying dead in front of me since I fell down here.... how many more would I see?" She noticed a particle of the skeleton's soul was floating, glowing blue. She reached her hand to grab it. Like before, her head hurt as she saw everything the girl - maniac did to skeleton. Tea didn't know his name, though. As she stood up and picked the scarf up, a little piece of ripped paper fell right below her feet. There was a sign on it - "Your friend, Papyrus".

- End of Chapter 2

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