Mr. Emo Prince Charming and Little Miss Prep Arranged Marriage -1-

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Ring! Ring! Ring!

Oh my, gosh! Who's calling me at...12:47 pm! As you can probably tell I'm NOT a morning person. I reached over for my phone and answered it. "Hello?" I groaned. "Kay, where you asleep?" my best friend in the world, Nick asked. "Yes, I was but now I'm awake. What's up?" "Oh I was wondering if you wanted to go out today hang out?" So bad I wanted to say yes! But I couldn't 'cause my mom had a dinner planned for my fiancé's family and him. Yes I did say fiancé my mom told me yesterday that I was getting an arranged marriage. Oh how I hate that day.


I was in my room rocking out to Ignorance by Paramore, My favorite song. I had it cranked up pretty loud. Then I heard knocking on my door and an annoying voice my sister, Stephanie. "Kay! Mom wants you to come downstairs she has something important to tell you." I heard what she said but I ignored her. Which made her bang harder and yell. "KAYLA ELIZABETH-MARIE THOMAS! I KNOW YOU HEAR ME! GET YOUR BUTT DOWNSTAIRS NOW!"

So I just let them call me Taylor. Now I love my sister but she's so annoying. I mean sometimes I just want to rip her head off and throw it out my window. You know what I mean? Haha I know right I'm so evil. I heard foot steps go down the stairs. I paused my music and went down stairs. And I found my whole family in the living room. My brother, Matt, my sister, my father and of course my mother. They were all looking at me which creeped me out so much. "Honey, why don't you sit down." my mother said with her 'smile'. I just looked at her with narrow eyes. And took a seat next to Matt. My mom gave my dad a look like 'you should tell' so he did. "Nicole, we have to tell you something" No crap Sherlock.

"Well, what is it?" he took a deep breath. "You're getting married" I looked at him like a lost puppy. "Well yeah I do plan on having a husband." "No honey he means your getting married as in, in 2 months" my face went from 'No crap' to 'WTF!' "WHAT! WHAT THE HELL TO MEAN IM GETTING MARRIED IN 3 MONTHS! TO WHO! DO I KNOW HIM? WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME AT SOMEWHAT LAST MINUTE? WHY NOW?" I screamed so loud it made everyone jump except Matt. Matt is one of my best friends you see he knows me TOO well. "NICOLE ELIZABETH-MARIE THOMAS! Watch your language and lower your tone!" my mother looked at me with stern glare. "Who the heck did you except to react when I found I'm having an arranged marriage! Who dose that anymore?" "Look we had a deal with a his family. They did us a HUGE favor now we're returning it. Please Lizzy, do it for me?" My mom sometimes called me Lizzy cause of my middle name. She looked at me with pleading eyes. I sighed. "Fine. When do I meet the loser?" Matt chuckled silently. "Tomorrow." I nodded. Then I excused my self and went upstairs and played A Little Bit Longer by The Jonas Brothers. That song always helped me get my emotions out. I laid down on my bed and cried. My brother Matt came in. "You all right Liz?" he also called me by my middle name sometimes. "Does it look like it Matty? I mean what was Mom thinking?" "I'm not sure Liz I'm not sure." He sighed. Rubbed my back, kissed my head then when he was about walk out he said, "I love you." "I love you too." I crocked. He left. I cried a little more till I finally fell asleep.


I sighed. "Nicky, I can't I'm sorry I'm meeting the loser today" "Oh." Nick sounded so disappointed. "Yeah I'm sorry", I said trying to cheer him up a little. "Its okay. Have fun and please try NOT to kill him." I giggled a little. "Alright I'll try. Talk to you later Loser." "Talk to you later Dork." I pressed the 'END' button on my phone. I put the pillow over my head and groaned. There was tap on the door. "Kayla honey. Get ready please and please look descent." My mother said threw the door. "Alright Mom!" I yelled back at her.

I hopped out of the bed and when into my closet I looked around. "Che indossare, ciò che indossare?"(What to wear, what to wear?) I said to my self in Italian. Yes I'm Italian. I'm actually a mutt. I'm Italian, Puerto Rican, White/Caucasian, and Native American. So I have tan skin with dark, long, wavy hair that goes up to my shoulders. I ended up wearing (A/N: erm if you cant go to the link it's a white dress casual short kind of. Then she's has a sliver necklace that says princess also a gray headband that has a bow on it. Then she has sliver sandals with diamond earrings) then I did my hair. Put it up in to a loose ponytail. I made my downstairs as I was coming down I heard voices. When I was at the bottom of the stairs, all eyes where on me. "Alice, This is my Beautiful daughter Kayla. Kayla this is Alice Zac your fiancée's mother. "How do you do?" she as asked while stretching her hand for me to shake. "Fine. Thank you." I shook her hand lightly. "Um, Alice where is Zac by the way?" my father asked. "I'm here Mr. Thomas," a male's voice said. Then there he was John the guy I was supposed to marry. He had long jet-black hair pretty much up to his neck. Half of it was covering his left eye. He had grayish-blue eyes that you will get lost in. HE WAS HOT! I shock my head lightly. You don't even know the dude. I felt someone staring at me. I looked up to see Zac glaring at me. I looked at him with confused eyes.

We all went to the dinning room and I sat across from Zac. I looked up at him and he was STILL glaring at me! What did I do to him? I just rolled my eyes. Dinner was slow all the adults were talking about boring stuff that I could care less about. When we were done my mother was speaking to me but I was in a daze wondering why Zac hated me so much. "KAYLA ELIZABETH!" "HUH!?" I snapped back to reality. Zac chuckled and mumbled something under his breath that I didn't understand. I shot a glare. "What were you saying mom?" "I said are you packed?" "Packed? Packed for what?" I looked at her confused. "To move into the Johnson's house. WHAT! Move into the...great. "No mother I have not packed." I said looking at her. I took at deep breath. "Oh.... I must have forgotten to tell you I'm sorry" I nodded and excused my self and went upstairs and started packing. I was almost done I just had to pack my CD's. I heard a knock on my door I turned to see who it was. Zac. "What do you want?" I glared at him. "To help you pack" "I'm fine I don't need your help" I moved over to my music section. When I felt hot breath on my neck. I turned around and there he was, which his heart melting eyes I looked in them and immediately got lost in them.


okay so i reloaded the first chapter the 2nd will be up tomorrow cuz i gota get off :L so vote comment :)

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