Chapter 03

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14th of August, 1990

Emma Juanico Magtanong y Abaya Estanio, 16, a consistent honor student since grade school, but not until the last year of high school. Reported cause of death: suicide by fall. The actual cause of death: murder. Forensic reports claim that due to falling on a massive block, some of her body parts were dismembered and remained missing.

And it was all your fault.

It was a murder that resulted in a week of suspension of your school.

A grin of bleeding gums flashed before your sight.

From being drowned in your own bed, you rose up to take the heaviest breath in your morning. You were already drenched with sweat despite the cold weather of August that meets you in your after-sleep. While holding your chest, you exclaimed in displeasure upon feeling an itchy bite on your neck.

Immediately, your fingers led themselves there to check what's wrong, and there, you were filled with confusion and alarm upon feeling a circular mass that's attached to it. Slowly, due to pain, you pulled it off, only to surprise you it was actually a very healthy tick. Out of panic, your trembling fingers unintentionally pop it up with its blood splattering on your face.

You hysterically went to the mirror and were left more perplexed by the patterns of red dots around your neck. Your heart was beating faster as you stood closer to your own reflection.

"This can't be happening!"


SILENCE, only the morning radio jazz that's playing from your mom's cassette occupied the entire dining room. You were silent as the medals and trophies behind the limestone dividers, and graduation photos on the wall. From the dented walls of white, fear was served into your core.

Disturbia, you are feeling unwell of going to school while waiting for your mother to finish cooking, and your father to finish his morning newspaper with a coffee for him to take you there with your family Volkswagen Beetle.

"Althea, are you feeling well? You seemed unwell with that scarf on your neck," you heard your mom finally breaking the silence between the three of you.

"I'm fine, ma. I just feel cold," you lied again.

"Oh, is that so? Do you still want to go to school?" asked your father.

You turned to him, "Yes, papa. I have to, lest I'd miss out a lot of lessons in a day."

You saw him smirk, perhaps as an approval.

'I wonder what would their reaction be if they'll find out what I did to Emma?'

'Will they end up killing me with their hatred and anger too?'

Well, that's if you'll allow them to discover your sin.

It was already 8:00 am when you arrived at school. Much like other students who ran through the pathway to the school hallway, you were also shaking the water off your clothes and umbrella. It was a good thing that you decided to wear a jacket for your upper clothing not to be soaked with rain.

"Oi, miss president!" You turned to the back where that call came from, it was your classmate Simeon who was with his cousin Miranda from Class 4.

"Hi, Althea. Good morning!" Miranda greeted you as well, and as far as you remember, you too got close after repetitive involvements with similar extracurricular activities.

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