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A passion that fed his soul and quenched his thirst

He was in love with the blessing, not with the curse

The curse of addiction and major friction between between the shoes and the pavement on every mission

He has a certain freedom to own each trail

He did it with broad shoulders and uplifted his inner male

He fell for the wind crashing on his face

Infatuated with the feeling of making his own pace

It was the sensation he got with every step he took

Not just a step but a leap towards his hook

Again, hooked like a drug running through your veins

Not just running, but soaring through the pains

Every journey was better than the last

All he had was a record to pass

A separate outlet that had his heart

Granted him an accident that tore him apart

His chalk-covered hands dictated his next move

As his legs and whole body knew he was almost through

A simple mistake had his life in gravity's hands

Like a drug, he eventually fell from his high, back down to land

For a split second he wished it was lucid

Unfortunately, it was a reality that hit and it was incredibly abusive

Free falling. God calling. Heart dwelling. Soul selling.

Doing anything to take it back

He shouted for a second chance

For fate was not on his side

Yet fate left him with a heart-wrenching cry

Why he shouted, why

But do not ask why, only thank his reason and now abide

So embrace his crutches, and inability to climb

Because now he can look back and appreciate his ride

His ride in his chair is the only race he can feel

It's his new drug now, the shoot up, his thrill

A pace solely controlled by his arms

But at the end of the day, no heroin can live up to his five-mile charm

Handicapable he said, I'm okay I'm okay

With no patronizing to accept

Being told to lay low and to elevate his grieve

He cringes as each day goes, only wishing to be set free

As he steps up to the plate and looks up to the cliff

He falls back in love with the wall of pure bliss

Don't pull a Cameron, tie your knot right

They joke around while he can only sit tight

(You Think)

The one-legged man suits up in his harness

Attaches the rope and jumps on completely fearless

Every muscle clinches sending him out of this world

This drug of his choice makes his whole body curl

A community of climbers with all the same love

Encourage this risk taker, even when he's high up above

High off the wall of rocks, mind talks, and physical blocks

He can't come down; all he can do is quench the withdrawal

Finally relieved and resting

Head to toe he is alive and still question

This wonder in his world will never let him down

Its like your first love, unforgettable

So discreet yet shouts so loud

One month down, one month to go

As the hours pass, the track gets so immensely close

Every run was an adventure and every climb was a journey

But this chapter in his life will be done in a hurry

The light in his eyes when he looks at hi challenge makes the smile on his face beautifully outrageous

The vide he gives off and electric energy is nothing but beautifully contagious

Little does he know his drive is life changing

Little does he know, his love is a drug that is blood raging

Heart pumping, palm sweating, chalk calming and nike swaying

Cameron Morales, a legend of Clovis

Runs this town and gives you little to no notice

Watch out for his ways, he will sweep you like a drug

Shoot up your organs, making your determination so strong and so tough

As this comes to an end only one thing can belay

It's his heart and his soul

His trust wide-open freeways

For this is your warning, he will latch your anchor

And before you know it, you two will be dancing in his heavenly chamber

For love is now on his clock

The only thing stopping you is the gunshot to release you from your starting box

So pull the trigger of this slightly tender gun

Good luck on your race to high life with the one and only, CamRun

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2014 ⏰

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