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Copyright © 2012 xoxZaniexox

All Rights Reserved

Warning: Some readers might be offended by the contents in this chapter and I apologize in advance. Please read with discretion.

May 6th 1943

Oswiecim, Poland


 Near Auschwitz Concentration Camp

A young Dr. Josef Mengele stared out of his window on the moving train pensively. Anyone who saw him would’ve thought that he was sad, but he wasn’t, he was thinking, thinking of all the things he could do once the Fuhrer gave him complete access to Auschwitz, the biggest camp they have ever built.

A young stewardess came towards him and offered him some brandy, he took it gratefully; he had been working so long to get to where he is today that a glass of brandy was an appropriate way of celebrating his success. A young man in a Nazi uniform walked confidently towards him and raised his arm in salute.

“Doctor, we are about to arrive at Auschwitz 1.” The young man informed him before leaving without saying anything else. Josef stared at the man, no, boy. He couldn't have been more than eighteen years old. He had nice piercing blues eyes. Dr. Mengele smiled a crooked smile, yes, beautiful blue eyes. So far he had seen the perfect shade of blonde hair and the perfect body shape as well as skin tone. All he had needed was the perfect Aryan eyes, and he had found them. If only that boy was a Jew, then he could've used those enchanting eyes. Dr. Mengele sighed in resignation, at least he now knew what colour was the best. He closed his eyes and imagined the perfect Aryan, Sun-kissed blonde hair, creamy white skin, and piercing blues eyes. The male would have high cheek bones and a prominent chin whilst the female would have a small waist with big hips, hips that could carry strong babies. Of course both of them were tall, the female willowy tall while the man was a living statue.

The train came to a halting stop and propelled Josef out of his dreams, he opened his eyes to reality, a reality where no such people existed, but he was not saddened by that, because he would create the perfect race. He stood up proudly and dusted his already clean suit before walking purposely out the compartment. He looked around him, he turned in a slow circle to inspect his new home when he stared at towards the big building he could see a couple of Nazi Officers making their way towards him, if he was anyone less he would’ve quickly walked over to them, but he was Josef Rudolf Mengele, and he didn't meet with anyone, except maybe the Fuhrer. So with that in mind he stood his ground and waited for the officers to reach speaking distance.

“Hail Hitler!” The younger officer said when they were within three feet of each other, Mengele unconsciously stepped back, he despised close physical contact, especially with someone who could do him harm.

“Hail Hitler.” He said quietly copying their arm motions. He quickly started walking towards the main building leaving his companions behind.

“Welcome to Auschwitz 1 Dr. Mengele, we’ve just received the missile not long ago and have been preparing a floor for your personal use.” The young officer said as he fast-walked to keep up with Mengele’s long strides. Mengele suddenly turned around and almost made the two officers run into him.

“Forgive me for asking, but I seem to have forgotten your name.” He said as politely as he could, although his eyes glared at the young man; Mengele was used to direct orders, having fought on the Ukrainian Front, he forgot most of his manners, not that he liked them to begin with. Irene was already at their temporary home with their son and he promised that he’d be home by midnight. The young officer coughed and straightened his already straight suit.

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