You left magic...

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My time with you never felt long,
I didn't understand if it was because of love,
or because we live in different places.
I thought maybe you were a dream
that I had every time I sleep,
or maybe because you were in a story
that I've read many times,
I couldn't understand what had happened;
yesterday I was happy, today I am heart broken.
I didn't know if it was a nightmare
or an illusion that I made,
I was shocked, I couldn't move or talk,
I could only stare at my hands shaking,
I could only hear my heart pounding,
but after a few moments,
after several deep breaths,
I had flashbacks of you, of us,
of our memories being restored,
one after one, I saw them all in front of my eyes,
and soon after,
I realized you were a reality,
I and you; really existed.
I understood the time
I've spent with you felt shorter,
because we were together
only for a short period of time.

You stayed for a temporary time...
Yet you left a permanent change;
A trace to always love you,
A magic, that keeps me writing about you.

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