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::Four Months Later::

::Luna, Niall & Zayn::

Niall: So when's the wedding?

Luna & Zayn: We just got engaged three weeks ago!

Niall: 😂


::Harry, Louis, and Liam::


Louis: WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Harry: Yes mate I know I'm finally married.

Harry: Luna also congratulated me.

Liam: Luna?

Liam: Bet Niall told her.

Louis: Niall doesn't know how to keep secrets.

Harry: She's engaged to Zayn.

Louis: And apparently neither does Harry.

Liam: That's a good thing right? You're both finally moving on.

Louis: Yes! That's a VERY good thing.

Harry: But why does it feel like a mistake?


It's short chapters kinda story.

Stay Strong 💋

Love You My Little Pandicorns 🐼


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