Dangerous Secret

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  I let out a rather loud groan as I heaved myself off of the couch. I hated the blasted thing. I glance up towards the clock hanging above the front door. "5:15." I mumble to myself. It felt nice to get some sleep. I can't even recall the last time I had a good night's rest. I shuffle into the kitchen, closing my eyes as I flick the light switch. Slowly, I open them to adjust to the white light. I grumbled a few curse words as I walked towards the fridge. I am not a morning person. I pull out some eggs and a box of bacon. I hesitate a bit. In the corner of my eye, a figure stands at the bottom of the stairs. "Good Morning Oli." I say, turning to face the boy. He seems better sleep wise. "Morning Reaper." He says shuffling to me. This boy is odd. I look at him as he looks at me. He reaches up and i almost freak out as he touches my cheek. My body tenses up as I watch the boys movements. He seemed curious. "I never noticed you have blue eyes." He said, curiosity filling his child-like body. I don't say anything back, instead I place a hand on his cheek. "And you have beautiful amber eyes." I say, clearly unaware as to what I just said. Realizing I just said that, I pull away and cover my mouth. This action earned a giggle from Oli. Damn this boy for making me feel odd. It's weird. This feeling I have to this boy. Not to mention he's a boy! I mentally face palm as I head back to the stove, cooking the eggs and bacon.

  After making and serving Oli his breakfast, I head upstairs. Grabbing a black and red plaid button up shirt, a plain black undershirt, boxers, and black skinny jeans from my closet, I head to the bathroom. Throwing my clothes on the sink counter, I undress and enter the shower. The mixture of cold and hot water made me feel relaxed. After an hour or so, I get out. I look at myself in the mirror and let out a heavy sigh. I have black choppy hair that is permanently tinted crimson, I have a slight muscular build, my bottom and top canines are sharpened to a deadly point, my nails are more like unkempt claws and i have deep sapphire blue eyes. As I pull myself away from the mirror with a heavy sigh, I start getting dressed. I open the door slowly, only to see Oli standing in front of me.

  I didn't understand why he was standing there. "Umm, can I take a shower?" He asked so quietly that even my highly trained ears could barely catch it. "Hmmm. Come with me." I say, motioning for him to follow me. I open the door to my old bedroom. I felt an odd feeling wash over me as I stood in the doorway. Pushing that odd feeling to the side, I walk to my closet. I watched as Oli pulled out a plain black long sleeve T-shirt, undergarments, and some black skinny jeans. I led him back to the bathroom and handed him a clean towel. "Okay there you go, I'm going to be doing things downstairs in my basement. When you're finished you're welcome to join me. If not, you may watch TV in the living room." I say closing the door and walking downstairs. In all honesty, I hated my basement. It was always dark and damp. I flicked the light switch on and heard a buzzing noise. To my relief, the faint light turned on. I rummaged through the boxes of items I had thrown down here. "Yes!" I yelled in triumph as I pulled out a huge hunter's knife. I flick the light switch off as I make my way back upstairs. Not looking where I was going, I ran into something. Granted it being a someone. I opened my eyes slowly to see Oli on top of me holding his head. "Umm, can you please get off of me child." I say, trying to sit up. I watched Oli as a blush creeps upon his face as he scoots off of me. "S-sorry Reaper." He says rather embarrassed. I sit up and stare at him. "It's alright. No harm done." I say patting his head. I remembered why I was coming upstairs and pulled out the hunter's knife. Grinning like a mad man, I hand it to Oli. He seems confused as he takes the sheathed knife. "It's a gift from me to you, seeing as you're now under my custody. You need something to protect yourself." I say, still grinning. He smiles at me and my breath hitches again. Why?! What is this? I stand up and hold a hand out for Oli. He hesitantly takes it as I pull him up. Now, what do I have to do today? I heard my doorbell ring. What the fuck? I motion Oli to go upstairs. I hesitantly walk to the door.

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