Chapter 3

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The heart monitor beeped beside Cassie's bedside. She barely survived that night. Several blood transfusions, surgeries, and painkillers later, she survived.

I knew she was a fighter. All of the stories Mike told about her proved so.

I shifted in my seat, looking at Cassie. Her eyes were barely open. Bandages were wrapped around her wrists. Her face was as pale as a sheet.

Get well soon cards littered the bedside table, along with big balloons tied to the drawer handle. Of course, the walls were white. Everything was white. White and almost too clean

I looked out the window. It was a dark, gloomy day. Rain poured down and wind shook the trees. The occasional thunder boom would startle Cassie. She would look at me and I would hold her cold, soft hand.

I don't know her but I feel like I've known her forever. Do you ever get that feeling? When someone is so relatable, you feel like they're your twin? You feel like you've known them all your life?

That's how I feel about Cassie.


I sat down on a chair near the window, drinking my mocha coffee from Starbucks, texting my best friend, Ana.

Alex: Do you feel bad for harassing her now?

Ana: Not really

Ana: She deserved it

Ana: I wish she died

Alex: Dude, how can you live with yourself?

Ana: Ugh

Ana: Chill babe

Ana: Just get to my house in ten minutes

I stood up, grabbing my white and green cup from the table. Still looking at my phone, I felt a body crash into mine. Or I crashed into another body, rather.

My coffee cup practically exploded and spilled all over me and my clothes. And onto this person's clothes.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," I looked up to see Cayson, a guy from the school's football team.


Fuck me.


"It's alright... Alex, is it?" His husky voice broke the awkwardness. I nodded. I was speechless.

My face got really hot, and I wiped my phone off on my shirt. It's already ruined, so why not? I put my phone in my back pocket and walked over to get some napkins.

He followed behind me, apparently, and, resting his hand on my shoulder, grabbed some napkins as well. We both started to try to get the coffee out of our clothes. Keyword: try.

My phone started to vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and answered the call. It was the hospital calling.


A: Hello?

H: Hello. Is this Alex Casta?

A: Yes.

H: We are just calling to let you know that Michael is free to leave the hospital. Actually, he already signed the papers and left just a few minutes ago.

A: Okay, thank you. I'll come pick him up as soon as I can.

H: Okay, thank you. Bye.

A: Bye.


I looked back over to Cayson, who was still vigorously rubbing the coffee out of his shirt with the thin, paper napkins.

"Again, I'm so sorry. I hope to see you around," I said, waving goodbye. He nodded, then went over to order.

Now it's time to go pick up the asshole.


Random question: What's your favorite band/artist?

If I had to answer, it would be a tie between Panic! At The Disco, James Arthur, Billie Eilish, Jaymes Young, Dennis Lloyd, Lewis Capaldi, KALEO, Alec Benjamin, and SYML.

Yeah, you could say I'm into music haha.




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