Of Death and a New Life

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'Kitsune...was that really you?' I thought as I ran back through the hideout to lab room 2, passing the prison cells on my way. It always horrified me, to see humans living in such a way, and I wished I could free them, but if I tried, I'd be killed, and then I'd never be able to.

I knew what that kind of thinking really was, cowardice, I was unwilling to give up my life for theirs, and I hated it. As I neared lab 2 I slowed my pace.

I arrived in from of the door with "lab 2" on it and knocked. I swung open and Jiko stood on the other side, looking nervous, Jiko was a middle aged man with greying hair and a nervous twitch in one eye, which was currently having a miniature spasm.

My ears twitched sympathetically as he stared into my mismatch eyes. I hardened my face and spoke "Orochimaru-sama says he will give you one more chance, fail and you know the consequences" I said flatly.

He nodded, his shoulders slumping. For the past few months he had been trying to replicate what had been done to me and Kitsune by injecting 8 tails DNA we had obtained in recent years into prisoners.

It wasn't even his fault really, it was just that they hadn't found anyone compatible with it like I had been with the 2 tails DNA or Kitsune with the 9 tails DNA.

I felt sorry for him, by quickly smothered the feeling, my two cat tails lashing slightly. "Is that all?" he inquired, I nodded and left, hearing him close the door behind me.

(2 days later)

I walked down another of the hideouts long hallways, my ears flat to my head. I had been summoned by Orochimaru, and I could guess what about.

I tentatively knocked on his door "come in" was the hissing reply. I opened it nervously to see Orochimaru in bed, his bandaged arms laying in front of him, Kabuto standing next to him.

I bowed "you called Orochimaru-sama" I said, "yes, it's about Jiko" he said. I gulped "what about Jiko-san?" I said, already knowing the answer.

"it seems he failed again, though has neglected to report so, we believe he is trying to escape" Kabuto said, "make sure he doesn't get far" he finished, giving me a pointed look.

My tails and ears drooped slightly and I nodded, understanding all to well. After bowing and leaving I walked down the halls, apprehension settling in my stomach.

After grabbing a cloak, a pair of gloves and my katana I made it out of the hide out and looked around, sniffing the air, looking for clues. There, I smelled chemicals and dust, a familiar scent, I jumped up into a tree, following it.

I soon saw Jiko, running for all he was worth, his lab coat flapping behind him like a white flag of surrender. I easily caught up and dropped down right in front of him.

He skidded to a halt, my katana blade only centimetres from his throat in seconds. He gulped, my tails lashed at the pleading expression on his face.

"don't make this hard on yourself" I said, begging him not to do anything stupid with my mismatch eyes. He slowly dropped the bag he was carrying and lifted both hands.

I sighed "Thank you, I'll make it as painless as possible" I said, raising my katana high, but then he spoke, and I stopped dead.

"Does it hurt, killing someone?" he asked, I was lost for words as he continued "or are you just the heartless freak everybody knows you are" he sneered.

I stumbled backwards, my arm falling to my side in shock, my tails lashing, ears pressed flat against my head, my eyes welling with tears.

I was so shocked I didn't notice he had pulled a knife from his pocket until he almost stabbed me with it, I dodged but was a little to slow and I felt a tugging sensation in my side followed by warm wetness that dripped down my stomach.

I'm a cat person (Naruto fanfic) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now