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hey y'all! 

as we are all well aware, i am COMPLETELY incapable of finishing a fic before starting a new one. So, sorry. I guess.

Anyway, this is pretty self indulgent. I just was sitting around, perusing around the internet, when it hit me:

Nico and Bucky. But like. Blood related

I mean, they just have so much in common! Gay emo boys with blond bfs!!!! also, in this story, both of them are Jewish. That,,, won't be seen until later,,,,, cos I still have to write them both rediscovering their heritage, but, like, just in case i can't write it in: they're both jewish

now before we get started here:

       -updates will be inconsistent (i'm a college student, i have a social life, and sometimes writer's block kicks my ass). Want to let y'all know now. 

       -i don't own any of the MARVEL or Riordanverse characers

       -i'm giving both Nico and Bucky a, like, personality. It's built off some canon, but a lot of it is me,,, actually, like,,,,, caring about these characters. (salty? me? of course.). Anyway, the point is, if it's OOC, just roll with it lol.

       -I'm not Jewish, so if i fuck anything up in regards to Judaism or Jewish culture, let me know and I'll fix it!! I'm drawing off of what I've learned from the internet + my limited experience with Judaism through visiting a service at a Synagogue once when I was seven and then attending a few bar/bat mitzvahs for my friends, but those experiences are not universal or all-enlightening

                    -(in general if i fuck up let me know)

       -if birthdays are ever mentioned, I'm ignoring Nico's "canon" one. Want to get that out there now, cos, uh. Yeah. The "canon" bday doesn't make sense with other aspects of canon like

so with that said, here we go! 

Oh, wait, one more thing:

please do not harass me for updates. While really enthusiastic anticipatory comments are welcome, stuff like "I need this book. if you don't update I will fuck up your fucking life" (yes this is a comment i have actually received. well, part of it).  I understand the intention behind it and to a degree i appreciate it, but, like. That's not gonna make me write any faster. If anything will, it's. you know. nice comments. "ASAPs" are fine. But yeah please don't harass me?????

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