Chapter One: Stranger Danger

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It was hard, Nico found, to retrace footsteps when there were none to be found in the first place.

It was months after the Second Giant War, and Nico had been summoned to see his father. In the past, that might have made Nico feel anxious, but ever since Portugal... well. Their relationship still wasn't what one might consider "normal", nor was it likely it ever would be, but Hades was... kinder, more of a father figure than he had been previously. It was odd, but in a good way.

But if Nico hadn't felt anxiety walking into the throne room of the underworld, he did when he saw his father's contemplative face, because that face rarely meant anything good.

"Father," Nico said, bowing his head (see? A much better relationship than before-- he didn't have to kneel at all!). "You called for me?"

"Yes, my son. I..." Hades sighed. "I know you still have some... curiosity... regarding the mortal side of your heritage, and I... I think it is time you learn of it, now that there are no signs of an imminent threat.

"Nico, I cannot give you your mother back-- there are magics at play that I cannot work around in any meaningful way-- but there is family that yet survives. And just as you need them, they need you. I cannot tell you the answers will be immediate, or easy to find, but..."

Hades sighed once again.


"There is some I can tell you now. Your mortal grandfather had more than just one daughter. When he was much younger, me married an American woman, and though they had a daughter together, their relationship ended in divorce. The daughter was raised by the mother, growing up in America, building a life for herself there. That child--your aunt-- had children of her own and, through means that you must discover yourself, one of them-- James Barnes-- yet lives." Hades' gaze softened. "You should go to him, Nico. For just as you are in need of him, he is in need of you."

Nico hesitated, unsure, before a strange feeling of determination overtook him. "Alright, Father. Where can I find him?"

"Bucharest, Romania."


Bucky sat up in a cold sweat, the memory-dreams still echoing in his head. It was a bad memory this time, bloody and painful. HYDRA. With shaking hands, Bucky reached for his journal, before realizing, very suddenly, he was not alone. His hand tightened on the pen next to him on the bed.

Footsteps made their way towards the balcony door, not far from Bucky's bed. His muscles stiffened, and his breathing calmed. Within seconds, Bucky pounced, tackling the stranger. A few measly seconds more, before the intruder could react, Bucky had the tip of the pen held against their throat; a clear threat, one that hopefully wasn't undermined by the... less than aggressive nature of the makeshift weapon.

"Ughhhh," said the intruder. He (?) sounded young. "Ow. Seriously? A pen?"

"Who are you?" Bucky asked, the English light on his tongue. "What are you doing in my house?"

"Well," the person said in a pained-sounding voice, "it's not quite a hou-- you know, never mind. As for who I am, I'm Nico. Nico di Angelo."

di Angelo... the name sounded familiar, like Bucky should know it, like there should be some sort of feeling behind it...

The kid, Nico, spoke up again. "You're James Barnes, right?"

"Bucky," he said, almost instinctively. "Call me Bucky."


hmhnnnhhhhh fuck i love my bois

here's chapter one! shoutout to @bear8013 and @skyglitter13 because HOLY HECK you guys read fast! This story wasn't even up, like, an hour and y'all had read and commented already! Thank you so much you two!!!!

next chapter shouuuullllldddd be up soon-ish, cause it just needs to be proofread, but,,,, i'm still debating if i want to post it NOW or tomorrow, cos past that there's a giant blank chunk where i'm just throwing words into the void and praying they come together lol

speaking of proofing: if there are any tense or other grammar-related mistakes, feel free to point them out! I'm a tired bitch and all of this makes sense in my head but idk if it got onto google docs the way i intended. Also i have a NASTY habit of switching tenses every like, five words :////

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