The end.

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I'm sorry guys but I'm sad to say I think this is my final straw. I've tried so hard seeking to where I belong but nothing seems to be right. I've motivated myself to keep a smile on my face and put my feelings asides to help others in need but yet again I don't seem to fit with that. My main priority in life has always been about others rarely ever about myself. I just don't feel the spark in me to motivate me to continue on here. Everyone on here is super welcoming and amazing that I look up to so many of you. Knowing I could help people brings a warm feeling to my heart that doesn't come as often as you would think. The only thing I ever wanted was to inspire people. I would've liked someone to look at me and tell me, because of something I did or said made them not want to give up. But miracles only happen to those who deserve it and I know everyone here has something amazing coming their way that they have to strive for.

Descendants Rp (open again)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora