My Angel

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A/N: So even though only one person talked to me bout the whole through the eyes of jason or eric i decided to it  anyways. I picked Eric so this chapter is through is eyes. Hope you like it and tell me what ya think :)

I watched as Christina turned and ran. Her long brown hair flying behind her, her face looked like she filled with terror. She disappeared off the stage and down the corridor. I remember her doing the same thing when I led her to the stage and she'd wake up dazed and run back to the dorms.

Why she ran now, I did not know. I had been walking around the stage when I heard someone coming. Originally, I planned to just hide in the shadows as usual when I blacked out. In that darkness I'd heard a familiar voice that I heard very few times. A haunting voice that was completely insane always singing the same lines.

It never bothered me. After all, I had heard and experienced things worse than that.

Then I had come to to find myself standing in the rafters watching Christina's fleeing back. Instanly, I had wanted to go down and comfort her. Tell her it was alright and nothing would happen as long as I was around. But no, I couldn't, not yet. Not with my mask gone. I wouldn't be able to handle her only viewing me as the monster I seemed.

I sighed and descended back to the stage. Finding the seem in the floor near the curtains, I pulled it up and stepped into the darkness below. Wind rushed up past me engulfing me. I listened carfully as I came closer to the  bottom. A streak of silver started flying and my hand snaked out gripping it making it stop my descent. Gripping the rope I swung myself across and landed on the edge. Gaining my balance, I continued walking. It was dark as night but I knew my way.

Well, I should since I've been living under Lieu De Rieves since I was ten.

After a few minutes of walking I came to a wall the had a old kerosene lamp that lit up only one section of it. Lightly, I placed four fingers in one spot and pushed. The sound of stone grinding on stone rung around me followed by small clicks. The wall slid back and over revealing my piano. I stepped through and tapped the wall behind me twice making it slide closed with a slam. I smirked at the pride that I had made that door in the wall.

In fact, I had made most the tunnels and secret passgeways here. I have alot of free time not going above into the sunlight. Especially after 15 years. Running my fingers over the soft velvet of my piano cover, I walked over to one of the many tall covered shapes. It was a little bit taller in heighth than me but the same width. I gripped the smooth red fabric and yanked it off.

A mirror stood there. The edges were intricate gold the came to a point at the top with three thick legs. I looked at my relfection, thought I hardly do. Black boots, black jeans, a white shirt, and a black trench coat. Mainly the only clothes I wore except lately I wear a white shirt ever since Christina said my eyes were so contrast to the rest of me. My short messy hair smoothed back slightly. The only thing missing was my mask.

It had cracked and shattered leaving me without one to cover up my face. As long as I could remember one side of my face had been handsome while the other was that of a monster. I had my face turned so the left side of my face was shadowed and unable to see. Every time I saw that part of my face every memory came back.

The laughing, the taunts, disgusted faces, greed, beatings, cowering in the corners trying to escape it all. Everything came back and I hated it. Hated those people. Hated those places. Hated the way I was. All I ever felt was alone. Alone and sad.

A few weeks after I was brought to the opera house by a woman I decided to explore a little.  I had been sitting up high close to the ceiling when I had looked down and saw this little girl with curly brown hair that flew everywhere. She had her arms flung out and was spinning all around the stage. I had watched her in amazement. She seemed so happy and alive.

I watched her more and more as the days went on. Watched her be so happy being on the stage pretending to be some one else. Singing, even if it was with a chorus. She made my ten year old self feel like not everyone in this world was cruel.

When I had seen a boy start talking to her and around her all the time, I had wanted to grab him, move him, and take his place by her side. But I couldn't because the woman who had brought me here said no one could see my face without a mask. I knew she was right even at that young age. Just seeing myself scared me.

After awhile I started hearing someone crying and whimpering. I found the source to find the little girl in her bed crying. She didn't see me in the shadows. I started to sing to her and she slowly stopped crying, her eyes widening in wonder looking around. I sang to her softly as she slowly fell asleep with a smile on her pink little lips. When she was asleep I had walked over to her and brushed her hair out of her face.

Her face was so soft and round, her little nose was perfect. Curling long black eyelashes brushed her cheeks. In my eyes, she was perfect and I couldn't help looking at her. "Will you be my angel?" I had whispered quietly shocking myself. I had frozen when she stirred in her sleep. A strong feeling of joy has consumed me when she murmured and said back quietly, "Yes."

I had been so happy that I quickly ran back down to my little home and told the woman all about it. She had seemed a little worried with this. But I didn't care. I had heard about angels. How they were all beautiful and perfect and made people happy. Now I had one and I was never letting go.

Years past and I watched as the little girl I sang to grow more and more. Of course, I still sang to her every night. Sometimes she even followed my voice all the way to the stage. Everytime I made her follow me I had intended to let her come and see the place I called home, but everytime the thought of her having to face my darkness stopped me. No one should have to face that.

Along with my singing to her more and more as well did that boy grow more and more attached to her. It angered me more and more making want to slip from the shadows and rip him from her side. She was my angel not any one else's. But I couldn't do anything. Not yet.

Until one day she wasn't there and neither was the woman. I searched endlessly for my angel not seeing her anywhere. After a week I found a note in one of my boxes enitle to me. I read it finding out that my angel was gone and never coming back because her mother had taken her away from me. I was angry and ripped the note. Anger blinded my vision and I destroyed everything. My instruemnts, the tables, my bed. Anything that I could break was broken. Of course, paying for them to be replaced wasn't and issue. I took money from various places and they didn't bat an eye. I smiled cruelly as I thought about the only person who tried to stop. Things ended very badly for them as well as a few others.

Even though I could have any money I needed, my Christina was gone and I was alone once again. Of course, there was Alice who has eventually somehow found my little cove and attached herself to me like a tick I couldn't pry off. She was good for company when I needed it and for running errands. I knew she wanted to mean more to me and it angered her. I could tell she hated that Christina got all my attention even though she was gone. I mearly ignored her when she ranted about it.

Then once again years later, I heard her sweet and beautiful voice singing. I hadn't been able to help myself and join her in the song. I was filled with joy again.

I smiled and moved to the tiny hole in the wall covered by curtains near my room. Moving the curtains aside, I stepped in. Pictures hung everywhere. Some sets for plays, landscapes, designs for my own masks, and many other things. As small book on top of what looked like a chest sat in the corner. I walked over to it and lifted up the book.

Drawings and paintings filled the book. All portraits of Christina. She beautiful big brown eyes, the soft curve of her pink lips in a smile, her wavy brown hair hanging around her shoulders. She was perfect in everyway including her minor imperfections. That's why my heart yearned to be with her. To hold her in my arms. To kiss her soft lips.

My flicked to the box in the corner. One day she'll be mine. I won't fell the darkness any longer. Light will be all around me. Because on day, she'll be mine.

A/N: Kay welp this was Eric's chapter. It might not be great but I tried lol. I hope you all like it and if you liked it let me know and i might make Erics P.O.V. more often in this story.

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