The unpublished chapters.

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The story of Yseult Brenneaux is part of a game called Andromeda's Gates. I was introduced to the game by a friend who played as a particularly hairy scientist  called Big Sal. 

You have read many references to events in my chapters. Many of these events are taken from the history of the game itself. 'The Quarrel' refers to a period where MANTIS and Octancorp bitterly contested a region of the 'Galaxy' for a few months and the final entry was a prominent player writing his own execution.

While you do not need to read all of the hundred of entries that the game received over the two years that it was played for, before you read the final story chapters that I never completed the builds for, it may be useful to know some of the plot points in Big Sal's entries that were influential in my story.

Here is a summary of Big Sal's story as it interweaves with mine.

Big Sal - Experiment G1B05. Big Sal performs and experiment on Marphacia causing the disappearance of one of his team... again.

Yseult - The Mark.

Big Sal - Mission G3B05. A slightly hairier Big Sal attempts to infiltrate a Kawashita outpost on Marphacia but runs away when offered sushi made from local ingredients.

Yseult - Uplink, Pay Dirt (Riddaeon discusses Yseult with Big Sal).

Big Sal - Patient Record LBC04. Big Sal is in hospital with Marphacian swamp fever. He has dreams about cobwebs.

Yseult  - Departure.

Big Sal - Prisoner Record S4C03. Big Sal's aide, Chief Accountant Long visits a prisoner that keeps babbling about cobwebs and will only speak to Big Sal. She tells the prisoner Big Sal is indisposed.

Yseult - The Gyrocube, Darksight, Jade Sun.

Big Sal - Mission M1C04. Big Sal has more dreams with reference to a web.

Yseult - Fighter Escort, Reflection.

Big Sal - The Awakening. Big Sal awakens from his fever. He is shocked that no-one knows he has been absent. He fears that his clone, made as part of a programme for an organisation called SPIDER has been found and their plans to breed an army of obedient super clones will now be put into motion. The clone is identical in every way except that his hair grows faster. Big Sal escapes in an experimental ship with cloaking technology before his clone arrives with SPIDER guards to try and kill him.

Yseult - Rest (Riddaeon speaks with a hairy character after visiting Yseult), Charter Flight.

Big Sal - Fugitives Pt 1. MANTIS has put a bounty on Big Sal, stating he is an imposter. Big Sal and Long suspect it has been issued by MANTIS agents working for SPIDER and flee to Octan space where they access the communications network.

Yseult - The Engineer (Riddaeon and Ellie discuss Big Sal being a fugitive).

Big Sal - Fugitives Pt 2. Big Sal and Long search for an Octan outpost. They steal disguises from an Octan employee before being chased by giant butterflies.

Yseult - Rendezvous (Riddaeon collects Vyken Tyros and assists his return to Octan), The Cypher, Autofreight, Upsilon (Riddaeon discusses returning Vyken with a very hairy scientist before his meeting with Yseult).

Big Sal - Fugitives Pt 3. Big Sal and Long get increasingly impatient with an Octan employee while trying to get access to a remote outpost.

Yseult - The Forwarder, Speedy Owl (After the ship departs, Riddaeon uploads a programme into the Octan network), Wraith and onwards.

So Big Sal's clone has been impersonating him ever since he came down with the fever and appears to be working for SPIDER along with senior MANTIS personnel. The real Big Sal is now on the run with a bounty on his head.

Builds for the last four chapters were never completed and so they were never published, but they are my favourites out of everything that I have written so far. I hope you enjoy them.

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