6: clary

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Hey. It's a short chapter. A filler. DERP.


I sorted things out with jace. I mean. Talked.

I hope something got sorted out, though.

I thought about what jace was saying the entire time I was talking.

I never was going to run to him and cry on his shoulder, though. He had to earn that.

After a few hours I sighed and slid under my covers.

My happiness only lasted about two seconds before Henry started crying. I sigh and slowly slide the covers off my legs when I hear a door open.

I smile and peek out my door.

Henry's door is open.

I quietly walk into the hall way and to my sons room.

Jace is there rocking Henry to sleep.

I smile. Again. Because the world is fuck of smiling idiots.

I walk back to my room and find izzy on my bed.

But I wanna go to sleep...

My head says, quietly.

"Hey iz."

I sit next to my friend.

She looks at me and smiles. More smiling.

"Hey clary..."

She looks nervous.

About what?

"So," I begin. "What has brought you here on this fine evening, my lady?" I ask with my best English accent.

She giggles.

"Nothing really. Just. Wondering."

I look at her weird.

"About what?" I ask.

She fidgets with the blanket.


She said it pretty fast but I could pick up what she was saying.

"Nope. Not even a date."

I see iz relax.

"Hey. I'm getting tired. You can sleep here if you want. I just am really. Super. Tired."

I tell izzy.

She nods as we both crawl under the covers.

I close my eyes and slowly drift off to wonderland.

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