a story cuz im bored

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how silly. was it even possible to not have chicken sandwiches at chick'fil'a? ... mmm apparently so? what was light supposed to do about lunch now?

he headed out of the chick'fil'a with a solemn look. but now's not the time to be disappointed. there were plenty of other opportunities around to enjoy some lunch.

he considered getting some chinese food. that would be convenient considering that it was cheap and he could bring some home for rin-chan. he wondered what rin-chan liked to have for chinese food... how come he didn't know? was it lo mein? maybe it was the chow fun...? what a horrible brother. and so, at his go-to chinese restaurant, ching chong cảm ơn, he got some pad thai for rin-chan cuz that's definitely chinese.

let's pass on that thought. he had made it to his next possible destination, mcdonalds. personally, he liked to get the chicken mcnuggets only. that was the only thing he liked about mcdonalds... and maybe the mcflurrys, but he passed that thought for it was quite childish. he wondered if radical-kun would want anything from mcdonalds? he knows radical didn't mind some tea on the occasion... and so he ordered an ice coffee cuz that's obvious a type of tea. 

he needed to get some food for himself. but what? since he was feeling a bit under the whether, he thought maybe something sweet would do. and right around the corner, was his favorite korean bakery. but like all korean bakeries, they got french pastries. he grabbed a croque-monsieur cuz thats definitely sweet. but at the counter, there was an offer. you could buy 3 croque-monsieurs for the price of 4? wow whatta deal! and so, he didn't turn it down.

it was time to head home. he wondered if rin-chan was home, doing something. he hoped she was waiting for him to return. but little did he know she was researching ways to get a boyfriend. he wondered if radical missed him for being out for an hour. but little did he know, he was making tea for lancer. light shook his head, trying to erase the thoughts. it didn't matter what people thought of him. or at least that's what he told himself.

upon arriving back to the module mansion, he climbed up the front steps with the three bags of food in his hand, he hoped the pad thai was still warm. he slipped his fingers into the pockets of his pants but could not feel what he was looking for. he checked, front and back pockets. nope. just emptiness. damnit. he forgot his keys.

he knocked on the door, then waited for someone to answer. there was always someone at home. even if it was just aya sleeping up in his room. he could try knocking loud enough for him to hear in case if no one was home. but if no one was home, does that mean they've left him behind to have a good time on their own without him? no. they would never do that. he hoped.

he heard a whirling sound. he wasn't quite sure what it was, he didn't particularly bother to look around and check it out either since he could hear the sound of soft footsteps heading down the stairs. thank goodness, so someone was home! then he noticed a green light in front of him. or more like-- around him now that he checked. was this some kind of prank? he wouldn't be surprised.

the green light felt hot. he could feel it melt into his body, creepy crawling on his skin. he dropped the bags of food and winced. what was happening? someone, hurry! open the door!

but no one did in time. 

lights frail body shuddered as his feet were lifted off the ground. and in a moments time, he was gone, sucked upwards into the sky.

and right after, rin-chan had opened the door. hm? she picked up the bags and scavenged through them. food! and without a second thought, she brought them inside. 

and light? no one knows what happened to him. except for himself. he was scared. it was dark. it was cold. he was gagged, restrained. something was holding him back from moving. when he slowly opened his eyes, he could see lights that had no color to them and metals that barely looked real.

where am i?

then it hit him, in a shock. aliens. he had been abducted. 

hi writer here, i wrote this cuz i needed to kill off some time in study hall since there's really no work that im willing to do. hope you guys enjoy. ok not really. anyways subscribe and don't forget to check out my channel. if you did enjoy, click the big liiike button below and keeeep smiling everyone! if we hit 500k likes, i'll make a part tWO! aaaandd PEACE!

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