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"Leave me alone!" She screamed from the opposite corner of the bathroom. The door was locked as her eyes filled with tears, for the only thing she could think about was her broken heart and blood stained thigh. Lacerations line her leg with intent, each one deeper than the one before... But never. deep. enough. The sound of the running bath steals her thoughts and comforts them until the handle slowly switches from on to off. She can no longer accept the fact that life is not going as she planned. All she desperately wanted was sleep. No more tears, no more worries, no more pain. Her eyes closed in agony as her naked body kissed the steaming water. The very tips of her toes burned with fire, like those of the witches turned to ash at the stake. Those hated for being different never felt so close to her heart. As the rest of her body plummets to the bottom of the tub, the supposedly warm water around her feels cold and unfamiliar. She feels empty. The love surrounding her reaches for her skin and slowly pulls her apart from the inside out. Individuality is no longer in existence, for she is a genderless being with nothing more than sickness and imperfections to offer. "Dear society, welcome to the end of time. My greatest confession is that I once loved and trusted you. I adored your words and timeless tales, yet it never occurred to me the damage being done." Now that time has forwarded itself, the things we wish to change have steel locks around the box of Pandora housing their eternal being. Forever they will last. Nothing will change. Peacefully she rests along that steel tub knowing of the extinction of her fears.

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