Chapter 15: Rita's Pita.

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Chapter 15: Rita's pita.


Okay so the plan is this one, Master Vile and the metallic armor and the rangers in reverse. Then its onto alien rangers.

*Jessica Lee Scott: Purple ninjetti ranger*

Jessica's POV:

I am walking with Adam, Billy and Katherine. I am pushing the twins.

"So Katherine," Billy says. "I hope all these changes in your life aren't too overwhelming for you. I mean you've moved house and everything."

"No not too much," she says. "I mean I'm still not used to all this knowledge of who you guys are and everything."

"I can remember how that felt," Adam says. "I knew about these guys before I became a ranger as well."

I nod remembering.

"Well I'd better get home," Kat says.

"I'm going that way home so I'll walk with you," I say and she nods.

"See you guys later," Kat says.

"Bye," the other two say too both of us.

Kat and I continue on. I glance down to see the twins asleep so I put the cover up so the sun doesn't get in there eyes.

Kat suddenly stops. "Oh no Tommy's in trouble."

"What about Tommy?" I quickly ask worried. "What do you mean in trouble?"

"I heard Rita's voice say attack the white ranger from the inside out," Kat explains.

"He's at the youth center training with a student," I say starting to walk faster. "We better get over and check on him."

We do not get very far when the Tenga's appear.

"Oh no," Katherine says as we both stop. "Not these overgrown Emus again!!"

"Kat take the twins," I say and motion for her to hide. "I'll take care of these feather dusters."

"Emu's? Feather dusters?" One of the Tenga's say. "I thought we were sparrows."

"Okay time to see if I can be the pink ranger," I say before doing the ninja sign. "NINJA RANGER POWER NOW!!"

I am now in a Pink ninjetti suit. I am so happy as I could do it.

"Yes Zordon was right," I say. "I can harness the pink ranger powers after loosing the purple ones."

A Tenga jumps at me so I dodge and then side kick it. It stumbles back a little so I grab its wrist and flip it. Jumping over his body I boot another one in the chest sending it flying to the ground.

One grabs me from behind so I slam myself down squashing it.

"I am becoming duplicitous!!" I say as I do a sign and one more of me appears. "And we both love these powers!!"

I split off from my copy and do a front-flip. One had been heading for Kat so I quickly Pull it back and send a flying kick to its chest. Then I drop into stance.

"Look birdbrains I think its time you flew the coop!!" I inform them.

"Let's get out of here!!" The head Tenga says.

Between us we finish them all off. Then as they fly off the other one disappears and I yell out to the Tengas.

"Hey Tenga's give my regards to Rita and Zedd," I say to them waving. "TA TA!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2018 ⏰

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