When They Meet Your Parents

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When you invited Tamaki over after school for dinner you assumed your parents would be fine about it...... eh.....well... if 'fine' means having your father pull an actual gun on your boyfriend and having your mom slap your father in front of your lover then yes the event was completely fine.

Kyoya showed up uninvited simply because he wanted to see you but your father was fine with it and was even glad to see you guys 'getting along' heheh uh your father might not notice that you two are a couple.

It was after school and you were extremely tired after the events of that day so Mori insisted on taking you home, which he did, once he got to your home your mother was fangirling the whole time snapping photos left and right until Mori made it to your room with you. You apologized to him but he just simply smiled at you.

Hitachin Twins:
It was the weekend and they were both bored so they showed up to your house.... you mom answered the door and asked who they were... they introduced themselves as your boyfriends and your mother only stared wide eyed until she left them at the door, the twins heard, what they were assuming was your father, scream your name at the top of his lungs. Then there was a crash and silence until the twins spotted you running towards them and out the door.
"RUN RUN RUN!" Is all you shouted towards them and they applied and you all hopped in the expensive limo, you rolled the window down and flipped your dad off just as he ran out the door and you chuckled at his furious expression.

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