08/The Chicken and the Hen, Part 2

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A/N- Sorry for the long wait on this chapter. Despite working on it for the best part of 6 months, I'd never managed to get it exactly the way I had envisioned it. Good news is, the story is otherwise 60% completed, so no more long waits. Hello to all my new followers, please keep voting and commenting as it is soo refreshing for me to see. 

I soon became aware that there was no amount of alcohol that could possibly numb the images that had unfolded before my eyes tonight.

Kitt raised from the seat she'd kept next to me for the past hour, smoothing out her outfit as she came to her feet.

"You want something else?" she gestured to the untouched cup nesting in my hands. I sighed. Although we knew Shelly was by far the most difficult at the best of times, it seemed as though adding alcohol to the mix only made her bad temper worse. I was pleased when Shelly announced the food the caterers had prepared had arrived, in hopes it would soak up some of the alcohol, however, she seemed reluctant to join her party as they scoffed the trays of fancy hors d'oeuvres, sushi and other items that my years of waitressing had not prepared me for.

I shook my head. "I better not," I frowned.

Kitt's face reflected mine, taken aback by the words that had left my mouth.

"What happened to us drinking her dry, livening this party up."

"That happened." I swung my head in the other direction.

"Ahh Shelly. She's let loose a bit, hasn't she?"

The party games were in full swing, none of which I'd had very much luck in. So far, I'd partaken in modelling my dream man out of purple play-doh, whilst blindfolded, he was complete with a penis for a nose, and three arms. I'd also been spun around in order to pin a unicorn horn on a hunk, also producing an inaccurate demonstration of my understanding of human anatomy. It should have been a stab in the back that some of the games were planned before Kitt and I were informed we'd be attending tonight, meaning there was simply no place for us, but that was almost a relief. There was only so much I could hear about my sister's sex life. I was definitely relieved I wasn't joining in for Sex Position Bingo, which was happening behind us right now. Drunkenly, Shelly was straddling the arm of the sofa sideways as she demonstrated her favourite position to the group. I cringed, if those were the sort of situations she had to manipulate herself in to satisfy her fiancé in the bedroom, there must be heaps wrong with him.

"Waste not want not," Kitt smirked. She swiped the cup from my hands and emptied its contents. "Joining me for a toilet break?"

"Why not," after all, anywhere was better than here.

On my return, I wandered through the party, small gatherings of women chatted in small circles, all drinking and some still playing one of the party games without the main attraction herself. I was surprised that Shelly had allowed for the breaking of her carefully crafted itinerary, although it seemed now, she was feeling less than the social butterfly she had been at the beginning of the night. Almost flopped against the arm of her corner sofa, Shelly was sunk into the seat, grasping a half full flute of bubbling liquid. Her styled hair was the slightest bit dishevelled, and I couldn't help but wonder whether she knew her appearance was less than her average perfection. At her side was one of her oldest arm pieces, Gemima. They appeared to be chatting almost inaudibly underneath the louder music and chatter that filled the room. If I couldn't see the slightest exchange of lip movements, I would have sworn they were sat in an uncomfortable silence.

Despite the discomfort that it caused me to openly approach them, I joined them on the sofa, collecting my own flute of chilled prosecco as I passed. Although I hadn't joined them to be friendly, or at least appear to be friendly. It hadn't gone unnoticed by the other women that Kitt and I often became set aside from the main party. Not that we'd minded in the least. However, it was more the intrigue as to why the fun and games had seemed to be set aside, almost at the drop of a hat and as to why Shelly was no longer sporting the shine that always managed to glow when she was the centre of attention.

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