Nocdenival Introduction

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So I have had this idea rattling around in my head for a few years and I have decided that I should start writing it down and sharing it. It's an idea for a fictional race/ species/ people that are basically the magical embodiment of 'dark is not evil.' The are born of a moment in time when something good happens that could not have happened without darkness or the night. This moment is pulled together into a "seed/heart" and becomes the basis of the person. Magic is filtered through this seed and creates their larger form. The rule of their appearance is 'as within so without.' They do not age with time but with maturity and experience. They can "unweave" the magic that creates their bodies in order to use magic, but that magic is always related to the moment that created them. For example, someone born of a lullaby could have 'soothing' magic, able to calm and bring to restful sleep. Someone born of a daring escape under the cover of darkness would have magic related to speed and stealth. They are strongest in times most similar to the moment that created them. I have trouble explaining how the moments that create Nocdenival are similar except to say they have a conceptual link to "The Sacred Darkness" as described by Tv Tropes. Nocdenival can learn and grow and change, but their core remains the same throughout their entire life. Physical needs consist of clean water and keeping their core/seed/heart out of direct sunlight, much like a plant. If magic is 'unwoven' and used they become smaller and exhausted as they are using up their physical form. Magic slowly regenerates over time. They can shapeshift how they look it's just taxing for them to stray too far from their natural form.

I have finally decided on a name for them. Nocdenival. Noc --- nocturnal, nightly, of darkness. deni --- Denizen, a person, "from within". ival. interval, time, a moment. I almost called them Nocdenizance, for remembrance and reminiscence, but Nocdenival sounded more natural as a name. I also liked lacuna but it didn't sound so good with the rest of it. So I have a few characters for this group and even more ideas, and I was thinking of just drawing a few and posting them somewhere so I can get them out of my head/get feedback. Thoughts? Nothing is set in stone so constructive criticism is appreciated, especially anything that you found confusing as I tend to forget what I have and have not explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2018 ⏰

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