Ive got a son

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Rey walked out of the middle eastern restaurant holding her take out in one hand. Suddenly she smashed into what seemed like solid steel making her drop the bag and spilling its contents on the floor. She kneeled down at the strewn about hummus and babaganoush still in their containers and returned them back into the plastic bag.

" Watch where you're going next ti-" said an angry deep voice. She looked up at the seemingly rude stranger, "Rey?", but her attention was taken away as her son opened the door from the restaurant.

She held out her hand motioning for her son to grab it. He came and grabbed her hand and Ben 's eyes became wide and his mouth agape as he saw the toddler with raven black hair and prominent beauty marks.

"Rey?" was all Ben could push out from his mouth. Was this child.....his? No surely, Rey would tell him if he had a son.

"We should probably talk," Rey said softly.

Ben nodded as Rey opened the door back to the restaurant allowing the child to walk in front of her. She picked a booth and the toddler climbed up next to her as Ben took a seat.

There was a wave of silence as Ben kept looking at the almost sleeping tot. " Is he yours?" Rey nodded in response. "Is he mine?" Rey looked into Ben's eyes. Then down at her son, "yes" she said biting her bottom.

Ben looked at his son and his wild black hair that much needed to be tamed. Ben wanted to teach his son. Nurture him. Be the father he never had. "I wish you had told me, but I understand the way we....I, ended things were harsh and you didn't deserve that." The way he had broken up with Rey had still haunted him. He didn't want to leave her but if he wanted to secure CEO at Skywalker programming, the largest company on the Northside, he needed to cut all ties with the Southside and that meant leaving Rey. He turned his attention to his sleeping son. "What's his name?"

"Ace" Rey replied. "He will be three in a couple of months." She pushed a piece of Ace's hair back behind his ear as he dozed off. "He looks so much like you it's crazy," she said in a low hushed tone.  "Wasn't long till Finn realized who the father was."

Ben chuckled, "He got my ears."

They were soon cut off by a text message from Rey's cell phone. She opened it as Ben watched her face. He noticed just how many freckles she had and how much longer her hair had gotten since he had last seen her. " Speaking of Finn, He wants his take out right now, I should get going." She gently tapped her son's shoulder and he woke up ,not paying any attention to Ben's presence, and reached his hands out to be carried by his mother, She gingerly put him on her hip and grabbed the takeout in her hand.

"I want to see you and Ace again," Ben announced now standing up himself.

"Ummm.....I'll think about it," Rey said nodding.

Remembering she didn't have a car, "At least let me drive you to please?"

Rey thought about the long walk from here to her apartment.

"Sure" she replied.

This made Ben smile maybe he could win her over in convincing Rey to let him be closer with his son and maybe even with her.

They both walked out towards his Rolls Royce.

"Job must pay good," she said now noticing his rollex as he opened the car door for her.

"Yeah but I work more hours than I'd like to."Ben climbed in the front seat with Rey in the back holding Ace in her lap.

"So what's the address?' Ben asked.

"32 park street," Rey said shyly knowing Ben wouldn't like her home location.

Ben turned around to face her with a questioning look on his face. "Rey you're still living there? You know that's the worst part of the Southside right? I thought you moved?"

"I know, I know I'm looking for a better apartment and picked up an extra shift and I didn't really move I just moved a floor up."Rey has been working at a rip off Starbucks chain on the Southside but wasn't a big fan mostly because the customers were either drunk or haphazardly flirting with her.

Kylo started his car and began going in the direction of her apartment. Being in this area brought back old memories.

"He doesn't seem to be much of a talker ," Ben said looking in the mirror towards Ace.

"He's extremely shy and barely talks a lot to me as it is," Rey said looking down at her son's eyes as he began looking outside the car window. "I've only heard him talk to me or Finn and on rare occasions or  singing his favorite songs on the telly. Doesn't mean he doesn't understand what we're saying. He just is really shy around strangers." Ben nodded and wondered if he himself would ever get the chance to hear his son's voice.

Kylo turned down Park street and parked his car.

"Thank you for the ride."


Rey opened the door and picked up her son and placed him on her hip and plastic bag carrying the fragrant food in her hand.Rey debated with  herself but finally blurted out, "would you like to come in, no promises that your car won't be stolen. I-Igot extra."She said slightly swaying the bag back and forth.

Hope you guys enjoyed! I will have another one out next week, I really had fun making this and I hope as I keep going my writing improves because LORD KNOWS HOW t r a s h my English is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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