Chapter One

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Silence. Are you scared of it? Of this silence? Does it haunt you? Taunt you with emptiness? Can you drown in it? Is it peaceful? Does it even exist? God...I wish it did. Because then I wouldn't have to hear.

"Zuzu! Hey, Zuzu Pet you still here?" a girl taunts shoving me roughly against the wall. Pulling me from my hazardous thoughts. Slowly, I focused on my situation.

Six girls. And I don't even know a single one of them. And that's probably bad. Cause who doesn't know the names of their tormentors? They all wore fancy clothes. Perfect skin. Perfect makeup.

Every single one of them are the same.

"Jill, just look at her clothes. Those were soooo never in season. It's totally disgusting!" one of them say in their high pitch I'm better then you voices. I glanced down fleetingly. Having forgotten what I had thrown on this morning. My oversized black hoodie, holey faded jeans and worn out tennis shoes. Nothing unusual. No matter where I am. Pushing myself from the wall, I winced. It's going to bruise. I kept my head down. Curled into myself.




"She's not even human."

"Duh! That's why they named her after those stupid ass toys!"

"So, true. Just look at her. She doesn't feel anything."

"She's exactly what she's named. A Zuzu pet." I heard them all. There giggles rang threw the air like a thunderstorm.

Breathe. Just breathe.

In. Out. In. Out.

Timidly I start to walk again. Even when they shoved at me. Taunted me. And it didn't end in the bathroom. It was everywhere. I stayed close to the walls. It hurt less to be pushed into a wall. My headphones blared my music loudly. It helped with the blocking. In forgetting.

First day back from Christmas break and nothing has changed. It never does in Barrow Falls. I had almost made it to homeroom when someone snagged my arm. Jumping I pulled away. Eyes widening in fear I spun to face him. It was Mr. Edward. Relieved I pulled my headphones off. Leaving them around my neck.

"Sorry dear, I didn't mean to startle you. I tried to get your attention but you couldn't hear me." Mr. Edwards said apologetically. He was slightly older then us. But younger them most teachers. Bald, glasses, and well built. Not the bulging kind of built. More like he in shape but isn't as obsessed with his figure as everyone else is obsessed over their own. But he left me alone. Unlike everyone else. So, that did make him more likeable.

"Sorry, sir. I was just trying to get to class." Without incident. I add in my mind.

"I know, dear. I was hoping you wouldn't mind coming to the office? We have a something for you to do." Sighing, I shook my head yes and flowed him to the office. It was quiet in here. People tried to avoid it at all costs. Once inside I glance to the right. For some ungodly reason, there is a full body mirror there. I never understood it. My long, straight, platinum grey hair was trapped inside my hoodie. My slightly tanned skin looks paler than usual. And my eyes a shade of blue that looked purple. My reflection makes me wince. God, I can't even look normal.

I shuffle myself away from the mirror. So I don't have to look. Don't have to remember. Facing Principle Hopton isn't any better. He's fat, short, and stubby like. A few brown hairs sprout from his head that he tries to comb down on regular bases. And he can't say a complete sentence without stuttering. I know this because one way or another I end up in the office. At least once a week.

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