Chapter 2 (WH....WHAT?!?!)

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"Winry.....she......she has this type of disease that has no known cure..."
Those words that came out of his mouth just killed me in the inside. I let go of the colonel's collar and sat down with a shocked look in my face. I couldn't believe it.....I JUST COULDNT!!!

I then stood up and ran out until I heard a scream from Roy asking "where are u going fullmetal?!?" I looked back at him and screamed back "ISN'T IT OBVIOUS! I'M GOING BACK TO RESEMBOOL!!" I didn't hesitate to turn back and ran out the door to find Alphonse and get to the train station ASAP!

2 minutes later
*Outside central*

Alphonse's POV
Brother is taking too long. I MEAN how long does it take to report to colonel mustang about what happend today?

As I waited even longer for him, I saw a kitten walked by and played with him. Suddenly I heard a scream from the halls of central. I couldn't hear what the screaming was so I didn't mind until the scream came closer and closer until all I heard was "ALPHONSE!!!" It's BROTHER!! He's finally back!!! "BROTHER!!! YOUR BACK!!" I said as I stood up running back to him. But I realized something different.....something different about Ed's facial expression, he looks mad and worried at the same time. Now I have a feeling that something is not right.

I slowly stopped running as Ed got closer to me. He then had to catch his breath bit I know he was trying to say something.
"Al.....Winry......train......go....." he tried to say but I couldn't understand a thing he is saying.
"Brother calm down! What's wrong??" I questioned him
He finally caught his breath back and started talking but from the tune of his voice it's something serious.

"Ok! We need to go back to resembool!" He said with no hesitation in his words.
But of course I couldn't leave without a reason so I asked him "brother? Why are we suddenly going back to resembool? Is there something the colonel had ask u to do?" He then looked at the ground like he is trying to hide the expression on his face. He then tells me everything that has happend.

"WINRY HAS A DISEASE??" I asked with a shocked face. He nodded and held his automail arm.
"THEN WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR? LET'S GO TO THE TRAIN STATION!" I said as we both ran to the train station.

7 minutes later
*At the train station*

Edward's POV
After explaining everything to Al we both ran to the train station. I know it wasn't easy for Al on what happend to Winry since she was the person who believed in us that we could get our bodies back. She was very supportive of us. Knowing her like this makes me mad! Why does it feel like it's my fault. I couldn't stop thinking about winry's condition.

We finally arrived at the train station and all were doing now is getting
Train tickets. We sat inside the train and stared out the window thinking on what happend to Winry. Both of us were so silent....We both were deep in our thoughts.

As the train was about to leave we heard someone scream our names! As we looked at the window we saw Shao May running towards the train. The train conductor saw her and stop the the train from leaving.

"Shao May? What are u doing here?" We both asked her.
She grasped for air and look at Al.
She then said "Al, where are you going? Weren't u supposed to come with me to Xing to learn alchehistory?"

Al looked back at her and from the situation we are in I think Al still is thinking too much.
"Were going back to Resembool to see Winry!" Al responded
Shao May looked down with a sad expression on her face then said with a gloomy tune "Oh ok Al we can learn alchehistory next time" she said with a fake smile.

As I know my brother too well I know he can't resist a girls request especially May's request. So I looked at Al and told him "How bout this Al, ill go see Winry and you go with may to learn Alchehistory so that when i get back we have a new start on finding a way to get our bodies back!" He then looked back at May and nodded yes!
Al got down the train and went with Shao May. The train was about to leave and I waved bye to Al and May and the train slowly moved away.
Now it's only me. Don't worry Winry! I'm coming! Just hold on a little longer! I promise!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Gonna continue some what later or tomorrow!! Thanks for reading bye!!

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