The truth is revealed

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After the ceremony we sit side by side a regal looking chair I guess you could call them thrones. “I still don’t know why you chose me. I’m just some goth girl.” I say frowning. “Just some goth girl? That’s ridicules you’re beautiful!” I smile and blush then look at the elder with his long sliver hair and his snow white skin. “Yes, Princess Victoria.” The elder says looking up to meet my gaze, his pure blood red eyes meeting my ash grey eyes. “I’m sorry, elder. You just seem very familiar to me, have I met you before?” He looks at me and smiles at me. “Yes, my child. You used to know me very well.” As he says this I smile but feel faint and start blacking out. “Victoria? Victoria? Victoria!” I fall into the elder’s arms and fall deep into my world of horror and tragedy.

In my dreamscape I see an younger version of the elder one, He’s holding me but I’m not me, I’m a baby. He smiles at me like I was his child, his one and only child. “My little princess…” My mom walks to us smiling not one of the fake smiles she did when she looked at me with Dad but one of someone who has met their true love. “So how are my King and Princess?” My mom smiles and kisses the elder. “She’s so beautiful…” He smiles at me and kisses my forehead. Then as he’s putting me into a red, black, and white crib there’s a loud crash it kind of sounds like glass breaking. Then when my mother rushes to his side and picks me up holding me close to her chest and I begin to wail. “They’re here for her, Kharis …” She frowns trying to calm me. “Vladimir, will we ever see you again my love?” My mother begins to cry as she look at the elder and he doesn’t speak no sound is heard other than the sound of combat boots hitting hard wood. “I do not know my love.” He kisses her forehead softly and hands her a necklace.

She runs to through a hidden door just as the men enter the bedroom, she puts on a long dark red silk cloak and runs down a long hallway to a quiet room with a few chairs and bookcases and a large window on at the other side of the room. She slowly walks to the window and opens it holding me closer to her and stepping onto the window sill and looks down takes a deep breath and jumps as she falls she curls her body around mine small frame to protect me I assume. Then just as I think we’re about to hit the ground we stop falling and she goes limp revealing my small body to my dad. “Queen Kharis? Who is this child?” My father looks at me carefully looking into my big ash grey eyes and running his hand though my red and white hair. “She has the pure blood red eyes of his majesty, the fresh blood red. But her hair isn’t pure snow white like his majesty’s it looks of dried blood as yours does. But her skin is that of the true princess, the pure white of virgin snow.” He smiles at me and looks as he looks at me. “She is our Princess.” He holds me closer to himself. “Callidora. She is Princess Callidora Aceldama Thana.”  My father smiles and moves, the blood red, blanket that covered me to let the light of the full moon wash over me. My beautiful red eyes, the eyes of my true father, turn the ash grey they are now, my beautiful red and white hair turn to pure white  just like my father’s, my beautiful snow white skin turn to a light tan color the one that I have grown accustom to. My mother covers her mouth and softly begins to cry as she looks at me. “My beautiful child forced to hide her perfection to protect herself…” She takes me from my father’s arms and holds me close. “She is no longer Callidora… She is now… Victoria…” She cries as her and my father run with me to a carriage. “My lady I am truly sorry but it is only to protect you and the Princess. “I know but this is no long mine and my love’s beautiful Callidora she is another mother’s child and I am no longer queen Kharis … I from this moment until I am reunited with my love am… Ruby…” She cries once again as her skin and eyes change just as mine had. “No long are we who we once were we are now to be a modern American family. Giving up our German heritage will be tragic but the princess will be safe.” My father smiles at me and my mother warmly and then we disappear into the night away from our home in the black forest never to return.

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