Your warmth

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I dreamed of you and I, only I wished it could've had a better ending


Everything hurt. My legs were burning and throbbing with pain, my heart was racing and I had a splitting headache. Sweat ran rivers on every surface of my body. Lying on the dance floor soaked with my sweat, my lungs felt crushed and ripped, my throat was sore and chapped.
It had officially been six straight hours of constant work. Water bottles lay scattered across the floor, an absolute shipwreck. I took this as my punishment. This was my penalty for acting out of line.

"Minhyuk" the door opened slowly, a soft voice ringing across the room. I grunted in reply, barely alive enough to speak.

"It's me, MJ." He said even more gently. I heard him lie down beside me, his shoes squeaking on the smooth wooden floor.

"You alive?" He asked, poking my cheek with a giggle. I sighed inwardly and opened my eyes to look over at him. He had his head propped on a hand, grinning at me.

"Barely." I muttered in a gruff voice. Myungjun petted my hair with a little pout.

"Oh I'm sorry jagi-ah." He cooed. I swatted his arm away and scowled. He laughed again, his bright smile making me feel so much better. Slowly I sat up, my muscles screaming at the effort. Myungjun followed suit, peering at me curiously.

"Are you grounded now?"

"Yep." I responded dully. Myungjun laughed at me once again. He threw a hand over my shoulder.

"Look at my little Rocky, growing up." He pinched my cheek and I couldn't help but smile. The guy was a literal ray of sunshine that it was impossible to stay blue with him around.

"You're not going to ask why I ran away?" I asked slowly. He pretended to look thoughtful for a second.

"What's the point if know you won't answer me honestly?" He raised an eyebrow and peered at my expression. I looked away.

"Sorry hyung." I whispered. He breathed out slowly and patted my back.

"Don't worry, I trust you Minhyuk."

A long silence followed and I stared at the floor, thinking of only one person: Kim Saejoo.

"I'm going home. Don't be too long." Myungjun jumped up and brushed the wrinkles from his jeans. I gave him a weak farewell.

I waited until he left, letting out a breath as the door closed and left me in silence. I closed my eyes and remembered her smile, the way she looked at me, the way her hand fit in mine. My heart was speeding up again. I had to see her again. I missed her so much it was killing me.

I stood up painfully, reaching for my bag but remembering that I didn't have a phone anymore. It had been taken away due to what had happened that night. The manager was still terribly upset at me, and to reasonable accord too. I had delayed the entire schedule, worried everyone, and caused confusion at the police station. I didn't regret it though; not at all.

I took a shower, got dressed, combed my hair, and hurried out the door. On any normal day I'd take a left, walk up the street a bit and reach the dorm. But today was not any day. I turned right, clutching my bus card in my hand. Nervousness made my stomach turn, but excitement tingled in my bones. I broke into a run, so desperate to see her again. My heart ached for her.

It was a forty minute ride to her city, every minute made me even more anxious. I hid behind my black hoodie, staring out the windows at the passing traffic. She must be waiting, just a few miles away. My heart began to beat faster, just at the thought of seeing her again.
As soon as the bus stopped I ran out the doors, onto the sidewalk, and sprinted towards the park. I was so close to her, I knew it. I had a thick lump in my throat, almost close to bringing tears to my eyes.

The playground was quiet and dark. A light breeze stirred the leaves in the trees. I breathed heavily, my legs feeling as if they'd collapse.

"Saejoo!" I spoke loudly in the darkness. Silence followed my voice and I felt like crying. Had she left?

"Minhyuk-ssi!" I had not one second to react when she came running around the corner and threw herself into my arms. I felt my heart flying above the clouds as I held her close to me, wanting to cry with happiness.

"I missed you." She said, her voice filled with emotion. I felt my throat tightening as I felt her warmth and breathed in her soft scent. We embraced for another second and I pulled back, gazing down into her clear eyes.

"Me too."

My heart swelled with overwhelming feelings for her and I pulled her closer, setting my lips gently against her small delicate ones. She melted into my kiss, returning the feeling. Millions of emotions pulsed through my body, a feeling of absolute joy covering every other feeling. When we pulled back I felt my body on fire, my chest tingling with flutters. She smiled up at me, pink blush dusting her cheeks. A moment later she dropped her face in her hands, embarrassed.

My heart jumped again at how adorable she was and pulled her back towards me, tucking her close to my chest.
She hugged me as I rocked her back at forth, overwhelmed with a feeling of ecstasy.

"Did you wait a long time?" I asked her softly, stroking her soft brown hair. She shook her head, still rested on my chest. A moment passed before she spoke up with a shaky voice.

"Are we doing something wrong, Minhyuk?"

I felt pain in my heart at her words and I swallowed hard to keep from crying. I felt the same way, the same anxiety and fear that I was doing something terribly illegal.

"No." I answered her. She closed her eyes, her beauty stunning me again as I looked down at her small fragile face on my chest. She opened her lips, speaking in a low, broken voice.

"Can't it just stay like this?"

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