roman pov

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I was having so much fun messing with jacklyn but I really wasn't sure if it was right to do this to her.  all I wanna do is kiss her that's it well I bet she hates me now that she goes out with my enime randy nut I dont care I will do anything to make jacklyn my girlfriend and I can't have nobody in the now I am walking in the hall when I looked by and saw jacklyn crying on the ground. she didnt look up

me:jacklyn what is wrong

she didnt say anything

all I did was pick her up and carried her into the shield locker room she barely was moving

I was scared for her I hope randy didnt do any thing to her or he will get hurt.i looked down and she looked so depressed with her makeup going down her face.

qhen we finnaly reached the locker room I sat jacklyn on the couch

me:whats wrong jacklyn you have to tell me now

jacklyn:fine its randy he threatened me to destroy the shield and break your heart but I dont its so much for me I wish i could make the right decision on who I should date.

I couldnt believe it  randy used gonna kill randy.

me:im sorry

jacklyn:you dont have to be

im so sad now

jacklyn: roman im sorry for what I put you through. im sorry and you can not forgive me I understand

me:I forgive you its fine

then I grabbed her and kissed her very passionately

it was so amazing and I didn't want to stop so we didnt we lasted until we both got tired

jacklyn:im sorry I got carried away

me:totally fine

me:jacklyn would you like to be my girlfriend

jacklyn:yes roman I do

no im not joining the shieldWhere stories live. Discover now