The Chances You Don't Take

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Answering Knocks, Opening Doors

"I'll have a cheese and he will get a pepperoni with black olives on half and the other half with extra cheese, pineapple, and ham." Elizabeth politely said to the server.

"You remembered my order, wow." I said, trying to keep my school boy smile hidden.

"Ricky, with an order like that I could never forget." she claimed.

She was always so good with the small details. I have always, and will always admire her for it. Me and her are friends, unfortunately. Wait! I don't mean that in a bad way! I just wish we were more than that, that's all. We have always been friends but now that we moved in together I was learning so many new things about her. We first met in highschool, but all of our talks have been small. By that I mean we have never had a deep stargazing conversation. I knew all the simple things about her like her favorite color and favorite show, but I never knew why those things were. Just scratching the outside. We sat and talked all evening at the little pizza shop only a block down from our new apartment we shared. I didn't know she felt the same way as me on a lot of topics. We both agreed that our lives were headed in the wrong way, or at least a way that we didn't want it to go. I was playing basketball. That would be okay I suppose if John Baker wasn't so controlling and annoying. If he wants to fake his way to the top that's his choice. I can't do basketball all my life just because it works. Just because something is okay doesn't mean it shouldn't change for the better. And me and basketball are not even okay. I hate it. I need to get out of this town, at least for a while. Elizabeth agrees. Although if i'm going to quit the team I can't have my spot go to John. I simply won't allow it. I'm not passionate about Basketball no matter how good and loved I am for it. I don't even know what i'm going to be doing after I quit, but at least i'll be free. I will also be with the love of my life. Wait! Again, you didn't see that! Anyways we walked back to the apartment, I felt closer to her than I ever have. When we got home we both were so tired we got ready for bed and passed out quickly. Only a short 10 minutes later there was a loud knock on the door. I was expecting Liz to get it, she always does, though she was still sound asleep. I rubbed my tired eyes as I rolled out of bed to answer the door. When I opened the door there was no one there. I looked all around. Nothing. I shut the door and then went to bed to shut my eyes. Ha Ha playing a joke on the new neighbors. So very humorous! My thoughts swirled away as I drifted into a deep sleep. The door knocked again. I didn't want to answer it but I decided to anyways. I opened it and there was a billion small cats and Oprah Winfrey. She started screaming and giving away the cats to all my new neighbors by throwing them to each porch. She threw 3 all at once to me. Then I woke up screaming. It was a dream. I was slightly disappointed, i've always wanted a cat. Liz rushed into my room frightened. After explaining the dream to her she laughed for a solid six minutes. New record. How can one human be so perfect even at such an early hour. Out of breath she still managed to tell me that today was the day. Confused, I asked what she meant. She said it again. I know what she means. All the fake plans we made were soon going to be real. Chasing our dreams and passions. Little did she know I would also be chasing after her. She claims she never catches feeling, but i'm gonna change that. We knew that changing our lives was going to be difficult. I knew that within an hour my family would be disappointed in me for giving away such a big opportunity. It was a big opportunity, free collage and playing on a big shot basketball team. All the fame and money I could ever want. For the first time though, I don't care. I need to do something for myself for once. We packed up the car quickly. We had enough money to last us awhile and somehow managed to break the lease on the apartment. I was ready, hoping that Liz was too.

Do Not Look

It wasn't hard to say goodbye to this town. I don't think i'll even miss it at all. I've never been particularly fond of small towns. Liz always told me that small towns were filled with small people with small dreams. But we both lived in one so that can't be completely true. My parents act like they are satisfied with where they are now and where I am headed. How could they be? Being like everyone else actually makes me angry. I hate being how people predict me to be. It feels like i'm wasting my life away. A special life with so much potential for amazing things. That life just sitting here on this flat land. This uneventful city. Not the place for me. Not the place for Liz. We needed more than this town had to offer. We needed more than this whole state had to offer. She had to finish up a few things in the apartment as I started packing up the car. All my stuff was packed. Ill admit, im a bit of a hoarder. It's just hard to let go, okay? Yes, I might need that shirt I bought and beginning of freshman year that I haven't worn in over 2 years. I'm the type of person that has over three thousand photos on their phone that they don't need. That picture of the cat in the rain boots could come in use someday! I started to pack a few small boxes belonging to Liz. A notebook fell out onto the floor. Do not look. Put it back. I repeat, DO NOT LOOK. I looked, I couldn't help myself. Jackpot! It's a diary. I feel bad but i've never had much self control. Liz came back out as I was already finished and had to smoothly act like I wasn't completely invading her privacy. She didn't notice. Thank the good lord.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2018 ⏰

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