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Clear claw-  showing in the picture up top and is a tom

Clan- river clan



Friends-Lilly paws, and death scar

Age: 5 moons old
         Chapter 1: the choose ones

  Young clear claw was playing with his friend Lilly paws and the leader called all the clan to a clan meeting clear claws step parents told him it was time to go see who is going to be picked by the leaders to go looking for a new place to live.

Leaders: welcome river clan its time to see who is going to look for a new place to go.

Clear claw: oh Lilly paws I can't wait can you

Lilly paws: y-yah i-i c-cant w-wait

Leader1: first one to be picked is......

Clear claw: oh who is it?

Leader: it is... clear claw.

Clear claw: huh?what?

Leader2:and the next one is...... Lilly paws.

Lilly Paws: h-huh? Wh-what?

So the two came up to stand in front of the clan.

Leader1:the two you see before you are the ones to seek a new place for the clan.

     Chapter 2: the journey

Clear claw: well hopefully we don't die

Lilly paws:...............

Leader2: soon you will set off to seek the new land

Soon after the clan lined up into two lines a said goodbye. Then they set off to look.

Clearclaw:welp this is not fun don't you know what is out here.

Lilly Paws: n-no i-i d-don't

Clear claw: I hope we don't run into the other clans out here. You to?

Lilly Paws:i-i h-hope th-that t-to.

They walked. Lilly Paws heard the sound of a stick snapping.

Lilly Paws: d-did y-you h-hear th-that c-clear claw? *whispering*

Clear claw: yah I did. *whispering*

They soon started hiding everytime they herd a noise.

Cat 1: I know that someone was here where are you. Come on, show yourself.

Clear claw:*whispers* what should we do?

Lilly Paws:*whispers back* j-just st-stay q-quiet a-and h-hidden.u-intell th-the c-cat i-is g-gone.

Cat 1: where are you come out.

Cat 2: I think there's no one here so lets carry on going back to the outlaws. Ok.

Cat 1: OK fine but lets stay on the path just incase ok.

The two cats left after. Then clear claw came out.

Clear claw: what the outlaws? What are they and who are they? Don't they have a leader?

Lilly Paws: th-the o-outlaws a-are th-the c-cats th-that d-Don't h-have a-a c-clan.

Clear claw: oh ok. That makes so much sense.

They continue on the journey. And didn't come across any other clan cats after.

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