Chapter 2

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He was there....... standing right in front of you. You didn't know what to do but just stare and watch how his eyes examine your figure. You watched how his eyes were glistening in the sun and his hair floating maybe even flying on its own. He looked so fragile, so naughty but innocent. Suddenly you realised what you were doing and snapped out. Wow that was creepy....
"Hey Y/N um you okay? You fell quite hard." He said in a deepish voice.
You try to reply but stumble in your words
"yeafhs iuhm fuoine" blushing like crazy you stood and stared. What should I do I already flunked speech.
"Hey y/n I think you hit your head to because you've gone a little red are you sure you are okay?" With the words coming out of his mouth he places his hand on your face to see how warm you are. His skin gave you goose bumps just by the touch. With that smile he gave you made you heart skip a beat and you blurt out, "No I'm fine really just I think I did hit my head a bit."
"Look who has finally started talking," he said whilst getting your stuff off the ground, "can I hold these for you, if you want you can spend the next lesson on the bench watching how I teach my next class basketball?"
You felt butterflies busting out of their cocoons waiting for this specific moment to come. "I think that would be better, just can you tell Ms Buckley that I will be with you"
"Of course y/n, anything for you. You meet me there I'm of to go tell her."
You didn't want to go there alone and you wanted to see Rachelle's face when he comes in and she sees you at the door. She would probably freak out, am I right?
"Sir can I come with you please?"
"Yes you can just be careful where you step we don't want any more accidents!"
You guys head of to the classroom to go tell Ms Buckley that you were going to be with your crush for this lesson! You wish it was for the whole day but oh well. You knock on the door and walk in, Ms Buckley already comes up to you infront of everyone and tried to embarrass you for being late. Just as you were about to say something Mr Chalk walks in and says " she was with me, we accidentally bumped into each other and she hit her head"
Ms Buckley immediately changes her mood as soon as she sees him.
"Oh is that true, oh no darling I hope you are okay. You can go and have a seat and I will take care of you."
You look at Rachelle, she's trying her hardest not to scream her head of making it look like she was about to puke.
"Uh madam, I'm taking y/n out of class with me"
"And why is that sir" Ms Buckley says to Mr Chalk.
"Because she wanted to do some revision with me on how to shoot with a football and also The Principal wanted to see y/n."
"Oh I see" she said," ok y/n you may go."
You were so confused on why would he lie for you. Even putting in the principals name too, damn. That's next level. You left the class seeing Rachelle silent screaming her head off almost getting a detention. It made you laugh.
In the corner of you eye you saw how Mr Chalk was taking small glimpses of you which made you tense up.
"You know y/n, I only lie for people I like most." He said with a smile catching your eyes.
"Wow thanks sir, I owe you one."
He looked at you with his face surprised at what you said but then switched to a grin then a laugh.
"What you laughing at!"
"Oh God, nothing just something inappropriate came to my head that I thought of which made me excited..."
As soon as he said "inappropriate" it gave you chills down your spine thinking of what he could be thinking. It was like your weakness. Whenever he says words like that, you can just feel your guts creating notes and your head spinning.

-Skip to the sports hall-

You sat there watching how the older boys were playing basketball, you weren't really into it as so you were only really good at football and Table Tennis. Today's Friday....... Table Tennis club....... with him... oh god... my heart... you just realised that you had table tennis club after school with Mr Chalk. You really want someone else to come over today but you want to be alone with him too which gets you confused. But then all you hear is fast approaching footsteps coming from your right. You probably thought it was one of the boys as they were trying to do tricks. But those fast approaching footsteps zoomed right past you leaving their sent behind. The wind was so strong the scent slapped you across the face and that's when you realised it was him running. Mr Chalk. He stood maybe a good 5-10 meters away from you.
"Okay boys gather round," he said first blowing his whistle to get everyone's attention, " we're just gonna do warm ups and get straight into one big game because we have a special guest that I brought with me and she is sitting right behind me," when you heard that you got butterflies and wondered am I really special to him?," so we have to give it to the best of or abilities and show her how good we are!"
Then the silence broke and you hear the boys chanting like apes. When they did so Mr Chalk turned around and looked at you to see what you were doing. You caught his eye and he winked at you with a smile and he turned back around. You couldn't stop replaying how he did the wink so smoothly.

During the game, you watched how the ball was being thrown but eventually getting it to Mr Chalk. He looked at you giving the face of "watch this."
He bounced right past most of the defenders pasting it to someone else and shouting "back!" As he wanted the ball. When he got the ball he jumped and slammed dunked it into the basket. He made it look easy. He look at you out of breathe and mouthed "did you see that". You smiled and nodded being surprised of his skills.
Your belly started to rumble. You checked the time and realised that you have no lesson after this just lunch. You were excited to get food. Thinking about what it could be? (Comment what suggestions you want for your lunch)

Class ended and you were about to leave but You heard someone shout your name. You turned around to see Mr Chalk standing near a basketball hoop and a ball in his hand. He signaled to you to come over so you did, dropped your stuff on the floor and ran to him. Smiling your face of you said " yes sir"
He answered " let's see how you shoot"
You were confused but still gave it a try.
You threw the ball with two hands and went next to the hoop not even touching the rim.
You were ashamed.
" yeah that would need some work, shoot again just a stop when I tell you to"
You said ok and you bent your knees and were about to shoot but he said "stop and hold like that done move" you obeyed his commands and stood still. He came up behind you, so close that you could almost feel him there. He toke your hands and put on hand on one side of the ball and the other hand to hold it. "When you are about to shoot you should flick your wrist with power so it could shoot in what direction you want but that would need your finger tips to show which way you want it to go." He whispered in your ear as his face was right next to yours, you hear the mouth sounds from his mouth giving you asmr. But before you did flick your hand he said that you should bend with him down until your supposed to. You could feel his chest on your back and his hands on your arms moving down to your waist. You didn't know what to do so you just went with it. He bent you over with him so you too were in the same position. That's when he left you and went to the front of you. You looked at him and his face was red like supper red. You were weirded out but really surprised of why his face is so red. Then he says "shoot!" And you fling your wrist and the ball went flying straight through the hoop. You were so happy you ran to him and hugged him. He immediately hugged you back and you thought he is so soft in his arms and it feels really safe. You were proud of yourself of what you did. You too left together to go get lunch. You guys split your ways and went to sit with someone different and that was Rachelle she was waving at you like crazy to make sure you could see her. You told her the story that happened and she was so obsessed with it she even said she wants this to be her new bed time story........

Hey guys sorry thag I didn't post for like forever but here is chapter 2 I hope it's really good and interesting!

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