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"Hm? Oh, you're into puppies?"

  He looked at me with his big green eyes, waiting for my answer as I stroke the soft -yet dirty- fur of a lost puppy. I continued to pet him, while looking at him.

  "Uhh. Yes. Sorry if it's weird. He's just--. He-s just soo cute. I-I couldn't resist not petting him. Dirty or not" I nervously said. "Plus m-my mom is a vet.." I added, trying to making myself not seem like a fool. Great, my first date with a guy I was actually okay with, is now ruined.

  He smiled at me before taking something out of his pocket. A black flip-phone. He opened it and took a picture of the dog, my hand included, since I was still petting it.

  "Eh? What are you doing?" I ask, stopping myself from petting it. The dog stood up and slightly yet lovingly nudged me before walking off. "Nothing" he grins before putting his hands back into his pocket.

  "Hmmmf, you're weird Matsuzaka kun" I huffed, letting out a cold breathe of air. "Oh? Are you telling me you aren't into weirdness?" He asked, an incredibly adorable yet confused face was suddenly written all over the grin he had earlier.

  "I-I didn't... I didn't say anything like that though--!" "--but you implied it" he cut off. Slowly, a smug grin once again appeared on his face.

  "Ughh- fine. Whatever" I gave up, knowing this would go no where but endless and pointless bantering. "Heh, you're so adorable when you act like that" he laughs.

"ONLY when I act like that?" I asked, pretending to be dissapiointed. "Truthfully, yeah" he snickers, and gave me a close-eyed smirk.

"Hmp, meanie. Fine then..." I huffed out once again, hands crossed over my chest and my head turnt away. "...baka" I said, almost letting out a laugh.

"Aww, come on hun, you know I'm only kidding, right?" He laughed, rubbing the top of my head and messing it up. "Heh, you're so fun to tease" he smiled, then he gently removed his hand from my messy hair, to softly holding my chin and slowly making me face him. "I wov chu" he winked.

  A crimson red blush appeared on my cheeks as I smiled back at him with my eyes closed to give it a more 'kawaii' look. "I wov chu too~" I said back. A gentle smile was on his lips when I had opened my eyes.

  He slowly -and sneakily- put his hand behind my head and slowly leaned forward, placing his forehead on mine -which also meant he has to bend down because he was so much taller than me.


  "Ohukari-chan~" Matsuzaka kun called out, "hmmh?" I hummed, flipping through the science book, trying to ignore him just to see what he would react to it.

  "I got you something~" he added, closing the door behind him. "Oh? And what would that be?" I ask, taking my eyes off the book. What? If it's something good then I can't resist it!

  "Uh uh uh! You have to guess for yourself" he grinned, his hands behind his back. My eyebrows furrowed as a sly smirk made its way to my face. "Tell me." I commanded, my hand out.

  "Nope!" he grinned. An irk mark appeared on my forehead. I wasn't necessarily the type of person who liked secrets and suprises, especially when I actually knew they had a secret/surprise and they wouldn't tell me about it.

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