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January 13th 20XX, Friday,

The wind howled and the snow muffled my clandestine footfalls like that of a felon. Each step threw me deeper into despair. Each sound that pricked my ears startled me. Each heartbeat could be felt, the blood rushing to my ears.

The cold caressed my cheeks and strangled its hold on my throat, shortening my breath as I ran. There was no reason to run, but the guilt of my crime flushed my face and escape was best if quick. Among the land of snow, a river of solid tar finally appeared. A black SUV awaited my arrival. Huffing and sweating in the dead of winter, I rested my hands on my knees, looking at the people in front of me.

I strongly disagree with this. I gritted my teeth, but I didn't voice my thoughts. I couldn't. I climbed into the car and met with smiling faces of three people. I couldn't call them my friends that time. "I can't believe we're skipping school", I muttered under breath angrily.

"Did you say something?" Nicholas asked. Did I say it out loud?

A simple shake of my head and attention was diverted off me. I felt Carol's mousy brown locks tickling my shoulder. She tilted her head discreetly towards Tristan who was glaring at Nickolas at the wheel.

I bit my lip, trying not to curse my luck. If he said something, then objecting it meant the end of any friendships. He was the master of manipulation and the only reason I dared to hope that my parents would come home today and brave the storm if a bunch of teenagers who had just gotten their licenses could do it.

The sky had became darker, and a thunder boomed in a crescendo. I gripped the handle.

This is wrong. Speak up! Why can't you speak up? Your parents wouldn't leave you for more than a week with your Aunt if the storm wasn't bad. Speak up!

You'll end up regretting it.

Meaningless chatter surrounded, as I waited for a break in their talk. I didn't want to interrupt; that would be rude.

The radio roared and twigs from dead trees decorated the deserted road.

I had already seen Nicholas looking away from the road thrice, and I had been distracted by my thoughts most of the time.

Fingernails dug into my skin. If I did things I never did, and I didn't like it, then what would happen if I did do things that I have never done?

"Can I drive?" The question was out before I could stop my brain from this blunder. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.

The car came to screeching halt, swerving to the right. Carol cursed and yanked at the driver's seat to hold on to something. Tristan grunted as he slammed into the window.

"The heck, Carlson?" He shouted over to Nick.

"Can I drive?" I peeked from my corner of the car, expecting a no. A pause.

"Sure. It can't be worse than Nick over here." Tristan shrugged, rubbing his head.

I marveled the height of stupidity my 'friend' had. Despite an accident almost occurring due to a sudden brake, he still wanted to drive into the eye of the storm for a carnival he went every year.

There was a sudden boost in my confidence as I closed the door and sat into the driver's seat. I stretched my foot, loving more leg space since Tristan had moved his seat all the way back, cramping my backseat earlier.

They are choices that are already made for me, and questions that already have an answer I don't like. But sometimes, giving the wrong answer can make life a whole lot interesting.

As I drove up to the school and away from the storm, Tristan's shocked face and threats became forgettable.

There was an angry glare from Ms. Russell with her grey hair and sunburnt skin that never made me happier than before.


A cliché idea indeed, but I hope this message is clear. There are times when it is hard to speak up, but it will be worth it. 

P:S Did anyone get the double meaning "you'll end up regretting it"?

Love you guys, and have a wonderful day. I'm happy to receive constructive criticism. 

AJ Firelight signing out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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