For The Experience.

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"And we're here! You can open your eyes now." Heck let go of the young lady's shoulders. With that, she opened her eyes with a wide, excited grin. But it was immediately turned into an unamused look. She stared at a modern building and its grand entrance. The building was lined with blue neon lights while the entrance was illuminated with pink neon lights. Electronic beat music echoed from the building. Several shady-looking, middle-aged men and women gathered in the surrounding streets. Some entered and some exited the establishment. But the most concerning sight was the fact that, above the grand entrance was a huge pink sign that indicated the name of the establishment, Eden Club.

"What the actual fuck?" Awesome muttered.

"You said you wanted to experience adulthood. Here it is." Heck smirked.

"Joe was right! You are a bad fucking influence!"

"I prefer the word interesting." He shrugged smugly. "Come on! What are we waiting for?" He walked into the short queue in front of the Android bouncer.

"What!? Hey! Wait a minute!" Awesome followed reluctantly. "Ok, first of all, what the fuck!? And second, I'm not even 20!" She whisper-shouted to Heck.

"Which is why I have this." Heck handed Awesome an ID card.

She stared at it in her hands. Finally, she looked back up at her friend, "What. The. Fuck."

"I'll just use my own. Since I'm 22." He smirked at her.

"Have you done this before!??" She whispered and physical retreated.

"Ehh... I can neither confirm nor deny that statement."

"What the fuck..." Awesome mumble to herself as she buried her head in her hands. She was shortly interrupted by reaching the front of the queue.

"ID please." The Android bouncer reached out its hand. Heck handed his ID to it. It scanned it with its eyes for a few seconds, then gave it back, "Enjoy your time here." Then it turned to the next person in the queue. It paused when it saw the young lady. Even its LED on its temple turned from blue to yellow for a second.

"Um... Here's my ID!" Awesome handed it to the Android bouncer with a fake grin. It took it and scanned it. Then it gave it back, "Enjoy your stay." At that, Awesome quickly scurried out of the line and into the building with Heck.

"What the actual fuck! That worked!?" Awesome whisper-shouted.

"Of course it did." The smirk hasn't disappeared from Heck's face.

After that small ordeal, Awesome let out a sigh of relief. But then they emerged from the hallway and into the club. "Oh shit..." She muttered as all feelings of relief were sucked out of her.

On both sides of the walls were a few couples of cylindrical, transparent tubes containing the signature products of the club. Android fucking strippers. And they come in females AND males! AND THEY ARE ONLY WEARING UNDERWEAR. Further into the club, there were Androids pole dancing on several small pole stages.

"Oh god. Oh Jesus..." Awesome hid her face in her hands.

"What's the matter? Too much for you to handle?" Heck nudged her.

"I-... No!" She lowered her hands and turned away, but still trying not to look at the Androids. Especially the male ones. With their visible six packs. And slightly lower...

FUCK!!! Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK! Awesome hid her face again and was shouting to herself internally. I looked! I fucking looked!!!

"Heck, let's go, I can't do this-" She turned around toward her friend but he was not there. She frantically looked around for him. She found him putting his palm up to the fingerprint scanner beside one of the Androids on display.

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