Robin De Noir 😈

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The woods is a very known place to the people of Moonacre Valley. However the people knew the woods as the De Noir woods. Now this is because a family called the De Noir's live in these woods guarding the woods and stopping anything and anyone from getting in there. We dare not speak of the De Noir's past. The torturous and unbearable stories told about them is horrific. In the family is a boy 15 who is the leader of the cult's son. He grew up being told the same thing as everyone else. 'We hate those who hate us' , 'We never go beyond the edge of the woods' , ' And we never give mercy to the Merryweathers'.

Authors note:
I will do a separate story on the story behind the De Noir's and the Merryweathers later but I just want to focus on Robin and Maria. Xx

His name. His name was Robin, Robin De Noir. He was different from the rest. I mean not because he was the heir to becoming leader but because he never really understood his family. He thought that that made him wierd and so he would just go along with it, knowing that something wasn't right. You would think he would say something but he didn't want to risk losing the spot as leader in the future. Oh and he was always told 'Pride brings victory.' You will soon find out that pride is the most dangerous thing ever.

Robin would always sneak out and go beyond the edge of the woods to try and find out why his family didn't like the Merryweathers but he never got close enough to even see the house. He got as far as the gate which then lead to a further 15 minute drive to the house. Robin had always been like this from a young age but his sixteenth birthday was coming up and he needed to become a leader. It was said that on the heirs sixteenth birthday he was to kidnap one of the Merryweathers and make them side with the De Noir's. Robin was to watch his target and figure out her daily routine and try to time her kidnapping.

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