Chapter 5 ~ the ones needing medical attention.

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Mount Olympus.

Cedmi swore that Chaos's and Hades's jaws hit the floor as all three of them walked out of the elevator on Olympus. Had Void attacked them all while they were gone?

It's like going on a walk with the creator of the universe and the god of the underworld for twenty minutes makes Olympus fall into ruins.

All three of them winced slightly as they saw some of the hunters shoot some boys where the sun doesn't shine.

They sure will need Apollo's medical attention later. Then they all heard a rather loud explosion somewhere in the distance, and saw smoke. Shouting started to get louder, yet none of the campers stopped fighting each other.

To be honest, it looked like the fighting increased.

Hades blinked in absolute shock at least three times at the scene in front of him. "What the actual...?"

Chaos just sighed loudly and he gave up. Seriously. The creator of the universe sat down on the ground with his legs crossed.

"I'm done," he muttered. "Life is for morons."

Cedmi wanted to do the same, but suddenly Koster ran up to him out of nowhere and stood behind him. Cedmi looked at him over the shoulder only to notice that he was shaking slightly in what seemed terror.

"Why are you hiding behind me?" Cedmi asked with a raised eyebrow under his hood. "What did you do?"

His answer arrived shortly when Cedmi heard someone, who he was sure was Aliana exclaim in anger, "Koster!"

Cedmi blinked twice and turned around to face his best friend properly. "Please tell me you didn't prank her," he said.

Koster smiled sheepishly. "And what if I kind of did...?"

Cedmi looked down at the watch on his wrist that Alicia got him a while back. "Then you've got three minutes to live. It was nice knowing you, buddy."

Koster clutched his hooded head with his hands. "Oh, dear Chaos she is going to skin me alive!"

"Yup," replied Cedmi, his voice quite serious which made Koster freak out more.

Chaos sighed next to them, while still sitting on the ground. "Can people stop using my name like this?" he grumbled.

Hades snorted slightly. "Yeah, tell me about it."

Koster looked behind Cedmi slightly, and glanced around himself. "I've got to hide. She's heading this way." With that he ran off as quickly as the wind, leaving Cedmi and Chaos shaking their heads at him.

Hades just blinked a couple of times again.

Cedmi turned around again, only to have Aliana with her hood up run up to him. "Have you seen Koster?"

"Well, hello to you too," Cedmi said, with sarcasm in his voice. "How's your day going, dear?"

Aliana stared at him with a frown now on her face. "Where the actual heck is that annoying idiot?"

Cedmi shrugged and crossed his arms. "Don't know, what did he do to get you all riled up in killing him?"

"He pranked me!" Aliana said. "In the middle of all this," she waved her hand around, "he pranked me!"

"Yes," Chaos said. "We know that. But what did he exactly do?"

Aliana frowned deeper. "Do you really want to see what he did? Okay." She quickly took of her hood. "There, happy?"

All three males burst out laughing, since her hair was a vibrant purple colour now, instead of her light brown.

Cedmi clutched his stomach, and bent over, since he was laughing so hard, having to put on hand on Chaos's shoulder not to fall over.

The assassin from Ravieen. -{A Percy Jackson fanfiction}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن