Meeting her

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Snape was able to do whatever he wanted until the school year started because he already completed his task of killing Albus Dumbledore. He wanted to go to the muggle world to relax and get away from everything until he can. That is when he met her....

Snape was walking around London when he thought of stopping by the library. When he entered, he was hit with the musk of old books. Walking around the aisle he saw a book that he took to a liking The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. He was skimming through the pages when he was interrupted by someone.

"The Scarlet Letter, nice choice. Are you a romantic?" the voice said

"No." Snape said not even bothering looking up the book

"Oh. I haven't seen you here before and I come here everyday." the voice said

"Hmph." Snape said still reading the book

"Em, my name is Aria by the way, you are?" the voice said

"Severus" Snape said looking up to the girl who introduced herself. She is pretty, maybe I should have fun like Lucius said. I haven't bedded anyone in a while. I have been wanking myself since I killed Dumbledore.

"Well Severus, if you need help looking for a good book, I can help you." the girl named Aria said smiling

"Ok." Snape said

Snape read for 2 hrs and apparated back home where he saw Lucius sitting on his couch.

"Lucius, what are you doing here isn't the dark lord looking for you?" Snape said

"No, not yet. He is too busy shagging Bellatrix." Lucius said

"Alright" Snape said

"Where were you? Shagging someone? Drinking?" Lucius said

"No I was at the library." Snape said sitting down

"Cmon Severus, you need to shag someone your snake hasn't been used as much as it probably wants to." Lucius said

"Me shagging someone shouldn't be any of your business Lucius." Snape said as he stood up getting firewiskey "but if you want to know, I did meet someone at the library and I will go back tomorrow and ask her to get coffee with me." he continued

"Oh, I get it. Your gonna warm her up before bedding her." Lucius said

"I dont know. But I might bed her I might not" Snape said

"Well is she atleast pretty?" Lucius ask curiously

"Yes. She's beautiful" Snape said taking another gulp of firewiskey

"Be careful, the dark lord would want you to dispose of her when your done so shag the senses off of her and have your fun. Remember we are still at war." Lucius said getting up and making his way to the floo.

"I know." Snape said rolling his eye. Snape was taking a shower when his snake spring up to life. Snape stroke his snake fast and slow until he came "Fuck!" he cleaned himself and got dressed. Sleep finally consumed him.

The next morning, Snape made his way back to the library. Now he was there because of the woman he saw yesterday. Picking up a book and reading it he read for 30 mins when the woman that her met yesterday went inside the library. She saw him and made her way to him.

"Hello, you're back!" Aria said

"Yes I am" Snape said looking up the book. "I-uh, I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee with me."

"Yea sure." Aria said "Do you want to go now?" she said

"Ok." Snape said getting up and putting his coat on. They made their way to a muggle coffee place called "Starbucks"

When I met you (Severus Snape fanfic) ONE SHOTWhere stories live. Discover now