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"I mean after a fuck like that I don't understand how your mad at Jungkook"

"I- There must be something wrong with me Jimin"

"I don't know Y/N, I don't think there's anything wrong with you"

"Of course you don't"

"Do you think we woke the little guy? You were pretty loud"

"He's fine- but you do know Kook knew bout the kids at the wedding and the party right?"

"Yeah, he confronted me about it"


"I said that you drunkenly mistook me for him at the party and the second time was just spur of the moment, I don't think he bought it though"

"I don't know if I can keep doing this Jimin, I went from having a dream family to having no one"

"Just talk to Jungkook Y/N- you've fucked him over a few times, find out about his mistakes and let them slide"

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