memory of the last thing I knew

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping,  looking around I did not know where I was or how I got there. the surroundings were beautiful but yet terrifying as anything could be lurking. Never having seen this place before in my life yet I thought I been every were. Repeatedly asking myself were I was, the only place I could bring myself to think of was a fantasy land made true.As I looked around there were so many new things to be discovered . Being alone your whole life without friends or family to bring you.. It makes you wonder how or who brought you here, or did you bring yourself here? Maybe ill never find out but I must try somehow. By the look of the sky I knew its been a few hours even though  it seemed to be a few minutes. A churning and growl came from my stomach my body telling me I  was hungry even tho I dint feel it so. My eyes grew heavy and soon I could not bare to keep them open any longer. Slowly stumbling threw the thick leaf littered floor it was there in the distance a big tree that looked safe and still like one self in a deep sleep, Arriving at the tree the air around was still and filled with the sound of crickets chirping.  Being to tired to think about food my body laid on a flat mossy part of the tree. Quickly drifting out of contentiousness I rested until the warmth of the morning sun awoke me.  Feeling the warm sun shine down threw the bright green leaves onto my skin I awoke to butterfly fluttering and dancing in a most wonderful orchestrated dance i've ever seen. Butterfly's of different colors and sizes fluttering in the golden light of the sun as well as landing on the most amazing garden of flowers. Flowers never having seen before. Golden specks glistened within the flowers. Tip toeing from a small bush a young wobbly fawn drew near. bright white dots interrupted the toffee fur coat along the sides and spine. Sticking from the fawns mouth was a branch holding wild grown blueberry's.  Upon seeing the blueberry's I could feel my mouth starting to water. Almost already being able to taste them I reach out towards the fawn to to my surprise dint try to flee. Instead the fawn dropped the branch of blueberry's into my hand. Unable to hold myself back I quickly eat the berry's before dropping the branch they once were. Looking up from my hands the fawn has started to walk back into the bush were she had arrived from. Curiously Following her a breath taking view was to be  with taken.  Fruit vines and trees of all kinds sitting just at a crystal clear ponds end. Ducks and swans swimming and playing about in the water as beautiful bright colored fish swam beneath their webbed feet. Following the little fawn now known as flora I started picking berry's as well as snapping a few low apples from there branches and carrying them in my arms till she stopped and lowered her head next to a small waterfall that led onto a bigger one.  The very tip of her muzzle poking into the water as she drank, tho in my mind something just wasn't right. "Don't baby deer need milk from their mothers?  Were is this fawns mother.?"  I ask these questions out loud as if asking the fawn herself. A mother deer no were in sight or to even be heard.  Was it just us two  or are there others that will come across my path out here? Having eaten my fill of fruits I then scoop up a handful of the water and take a sip of the cool refreshing water as flora walked around her little tail twitching and swaying back and forth. Unbeknownst  to me this little fawn soon to be one of my very best friends in this place we now call home. 

MORE COMING SOON :) thank you hope you enjoy, Its still a work in progress 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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